Life is Neither Created, Nor Destroyed.
But all Life Changes Its State of Being... During Various Cycles of Existence. Humans Have Been Given a Special Privilege—GOD Has Given Us a Chance... For Eternal Life. |
This Website Is DEDICATED... To Saving Human Souls, by:
- AWAKENING MEN... To The Consciousness of How and Why We Are Here... What Man's Intended Purpose Is, and... —How GOD Has Planned Happiness for All of Us—Who Obey.
- WARNING OF GREAT CHAOS... Coming Upon All the Earth —What We Should Do, To Be Prepared —and of how... Trying To Save Our Own Lives... Will Cause Our Own Deaths.
- PROVIDING LIFE SAVING KNOWLEDGE... From GOD'S MYSTERY, That Guides Men Back to "THE TREE OF LIFE", Which Is in GOD'S PARADISE — Where Man Was... Before Man's Fall.
- SHOWING TO MEN... The SIGNS OF GOD'S JUDGMENT —In The Heavens and On The Earth. These Are GOD'S WARNING To Men... —To Repent — As Instructed to Us, by GOD's Prophets.
OUR CREATION and THE UNIVERSE are so closely in-tuned that Scientific Evidence is now proving that "There Is a Creator". The Evidence is now so overwhelming that the Scientists are calling the Creation: "Intelligent Design", ... not a random occurrence or evolutionary process. There Is too much Proof that: Everything Is Being Directed.
INTELLIGENT DESIGN KNOWLEDGE, about our CREATOR(s), is revealed in Ancient Scripts. This Knowledge is also supported in information from Apostles and Prophets of GOD. It is in this Area of "Creation and GOD Knowledge" that Cultures and Religions of the World Differ —yet, they are all similar. Creation Is "For God's Pleasure", and the Same Creation Events Pertain to All. This Information, and much more, is documented in the GOD Inspired Guide Book.
Details of Creation have all been explained in Ancient Texts, combined with descriptions by Jesus and the Prophets. All of this Information has been captured in the Guide Book.
CREATED LIFE... Was Spoken Into Being By The Holy Spirit. The Source of The Spirit is The "Great Light"—From Whence All of Creation Emanates. Secondary Spiritual Beings, who had physical qualities, were the first to occupy earth... Through These beings, Man was Formed.
THE BIBLE IS NOT COMPLETE on Creation... nor are the other Religious Holy Books.
Nor, are they Complete on Man's Purpose, on His Destiny, or on Man's Chances for Salvation—Upon His Death... But this Prophesied Guide Book Contains All of this Information. Credible ancient Sources; along with other known Sources, have been utilized.
Details of Creation have all been explained in Ancient Texts, combined with descriptions by Jesus and the Prophets. All of this Information has been captured in the Guide Book.
CREATED LIFE... Was Spoken Into Being By The Holy Spirit. The Source of The Spirit is The "Great Light"—From Whence All of Creation Emanates. Secondary Spiritual Beings, who had physical qualities, were the first to occupy earth... Through These beings, Man was Formed.
THE BIBLE IS NOT COMPLETE on Creation... nor are the other Religious Holy Books.
Nor, are they Complete on Man's Purpose, on His Destiny, or on Man's Chances for Salvation—Upon His Death... But this Prophesied Guide Book Contains All of this Information. Credible ancient Sources; along with other known Sources, have been utilized.
EARTH... IS NOT OUR HOME, ... It Is Only Our Temporary Habitat—for the purpose of Obtaining Creation and Salvation Knowledge. We Need This Knowledge to Obtain Life.
WE WERE CREATED TO SERVE GOD, In Paradise. It was Through Deception that Man was kicked out of Paradise. It Is Also Through Deception that men Believe that we should Strive for Earthly Pleasures and Wealth... These Things Are Destructive to Man. True Life is Not on Earth.
WITH CREATION COMES IMMINENT DESTRUCTION —it is a part of God's Judgment on Creation. This earth and all in it must be relinquished after a while; and permanent homes will be given to each man, based on his Knowledge and earthly conduct. Man Needs Creation Knowledge to Prepare for This Judgment and to Learn how to fight against Spiritual Forces that hinder Man from entering into the Heavenly Realms. – pp75-91 of the Guide Book.
There Was An ERROR... That Occurred In Creation— This Accounts For The Need For Replenishing and For Destruction of Creations!
The Universe is Expanding... Scientists Know this. They Also Know that, at the End of Expansion—It All Seems to Diminish Into Nothing —Say Perhaps, into a "Black Hole". These Perceived Observations and Theories of Scientists Only Demonstrate to us, that This Earth and All in it, Must be Relinquished—after a while. It Proves what Jesus and the Scriptures Reveal about GOD and Creation.
This proves the Perpetual Cycles of: the “Big Bang”, which is the sudden appearance of Life —which is accomplished by the Spoken Word of the Holy Spirit... and, of the "Black Hole" Cycle —which accounts for the sudden disappearance of Life, on our planet, and in Creation. These two cycles of circumstances go hand-in-hand... and all of this is The result of the Judgment. – p81.
It All goes Back to the ERROR of The Female —that was committed During Creation. Chaos must follow every Creation Period.
Jesus Said:
“I desire that you understand that Sophia, the Mother of the Universe and the consort, desired by herself to bring these to existence without her male consort. But by the will of the Father of the Universe, so that his unimaginable goodness might be revealed, he created that curtain between the immortals and those that came after them, so that the consequence might follow every aeon and chaos, so that the defect of the female might live, and she (the female) might exist, although Error fights against her..." – p85.
MORE ABOUT THE ERROR... Is Revealed On This web page...
Under The Heading: CONCERNING... THE HOLY SPIRIT (Called: Mother Of The Universe)
WE WERE CREATED TO SERVE GOD, In Paradise. It was Through Deception that Man was kicked out of Paradise. It Is Also Through Deception that men Believe that we should Strive for Earthly Pleasures and Wealth... These Things Are Destructive to Man. True Life is Not on Earth.
WITH CREATION COMES IMMINENT DESTRUCTION —it is a part of God's Judgment on Creation. This earth and all in it must be relinquished after a while; and permanent homes will be given to each man, based on his Knowledge and earthly conduct. Man Needs Creation Knowledge to Prepare for This Judgment and to Learn how to fight against Spiritual Forces that hinder Man from entering into the Heavenly Realms. – pp75-91 of the Guide Book.
There Was An ERROR... That Occurred In Creation— This Accounts For The Need For Replenishing and For Destruction of Creations!
The Universe is Expanding... Scientists Know this. They Also Know that, at the End of Expansion—It All Seems to Diminish Into Nothing —Say Perhaps, into a "Black Hole". These Perceived Observations and Theories of Scientists Only Demonstrate to us, that This Earth and All in it, Must be Relinquished—after a while. It Proves what Jesus and the Scriptures Reveal about GOD and Creation.
This proves the Perpetual Cycles of: the “Big Bang”, which is the sudden appearance of Life —which is accomplished by the Spoken Word of the Holy Spirit... and, of the "Black Hole" Cycle —which accounts for the sudden disappearance of Life, on our planet, and in Creation. These two cycles of circumstances go hand-in-hand... and all of this is The result of the Judgment. – p81.
It All goes Back to the ERROR of The Female —that was committed During Creation. Chaos must follow every Creation Period.
Jesus Said:
“I desire that you understand that Sophia, the Mother of the Universe and the consort, desired by herself to bring these to existence without her male consort. But by the will of the Father of the Universe, so that his unimaginable goodness might be revealed, he created that curtain between the immortals and those that came after them, so that the consequence might follow every aeon and chaos, so that the defect of the female might live, and she (the female) might exist, although Error fights against her..." – p85.
MORE ABOUT THE ERROR... Is Revealed On This web page...
Under The Heading: CONCERNING... THE HOLY SPIRIT (Called: Mother Of The Universe)
The Prophesied LITTLE BOOK of GOD'S TRUTH Is Now Revealed:
This BOOK Shares the TRUTH About GOD... and the facts of Our CREATION. It begins with the Revealing of GOD Himself, through the revealing of the Spirit Beings, to the Creation of Man. It reveals the true Methods of Worshiping God, as well as, Man's Purpose, and man's Influence of his Afterlife.
The Coming Judgments of GOD Are Revealed... on the heavens, on earth, and on man. This
Guide Book also reveals the Details of the Hereafter, including Heaven, hell, and the New Earth.
The Oneness of GOD and Religion among all people... just as God has revealed it to His servants throughout the ages, is captured in this GUIDE BOOK. The GOD of CREATION is the SAME for all.
Most Important, in this Prophesied BOOK... are the "Words of Jesus".
No Other Book Contains More... of Jesus' Spoken Words, than this BOOK.
Our Lives Depend On the TRUTH... Most of What We Hear Today About Jesus Is FALSE
Jesus Gives Us Clear Knowledge of the TRUTH... In This Guide BOOK.
For Contents, Select this Link: BOOK CONTENTS
The Coming Judgments of GOD Are Revealed... on the heavens, on earth, and on man. This
Guide Book also reveals the Details of the Hereafter, including Heaven, hell, and the New Earth.
The Oneness of GOD and Religion among all people... just as God has revealed it to His servants throughout the ages, is captured in this GUIDE BOOK. The GOD of CREATION is the SAME for all.
Most Important, in this Prophesied BOOK... are the "Words of Jesus".
No Other Book Contains More... of Jesus' Spoken Words, than this BOOK.
Our Lives Depend On the TRUTH... Most of What We Hear Today About Jesus Is FALSE
Jesus Gives Us Clear Knowledge of the TRUTH... In This Guide BOOK.
For Contents, Select this Link: BOOK CONTENTS
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The earth, and our Solar System, is only a small portion of a minute section in a small cluster of our Universe.
GOD has Created many solar systems, within many multiples of universes. And HE has created many multiples of Beings within the various universes —even, within our own universe. We as human beings, can only comprehend the elements and the beings around us, to a limited degree. We are only three dimensional beings, who may have some communicative abilities only to the fourth (spiritual) degree —yet there are many more dimensions within Creation that we can not detect or comprehend. We tend to refer to beings and to other phenomena that are outside of our realm of comprehension as: extraterrestrial.
Many people are speculating about the order of creation. Many are considered by others to be 'experts' on the subject— but none of them have come close to the Truth. It is only through Knowledge revealed by GOD's prophets that the Truth of our Existence is known.
Jesus Addressed this Situation, which also existed in his time, as Jesus said:
“I desire that you know that all men born on earth from the foundation of the world until now are dust. Inquiring about God, who he is, and what he is like, they have not found him. Now the wisest among them have speculated on the basis of the ordering of the world and its movement. But their speculation has not reached the truth. For the ordering is said to be directed in three ways by all the philosophers, and hence they do not agree. For some of them say of the world that it is directed by itself. Some, that it is providence that directs it. Some, that it is fate. Now, it is none of these. Again, of the three opinions that I have just described, none is close to the truth, and they are from man. But I, who came from the boundless Light, I am here. For I am he who knows it (the Light), so that I might speak to you concerning the precise nature of the truth. For whatever is from itself is a polluted life since it makes itself. And providence has no wisdom in it. And the inevitable does not discern." – p75.
The Details and Purpose for Man... have been explained by Jesus and the Prophets. These Details have been captured in this Guide Book. Most people are seeking Salvation in things seen, rather than in things unseen (where real salvation is). God has given us the means to rationalize and to make our own choices—with the ability to build and to modify our surroundings. But our abilities are intended to be used in serving God... not to exhort ourselves, or to try to become like the gods. In doing so, we sin and become like Satan, who is full of Self-Pride, which is a most grievous error. GOD sent the Prophets with His Word, in order to educate people.
Man Cannot Explore The Universe... He Is Physically Not Capable: —nor is it physically possible. Expeditions by man, to travel beyond this temporal earth home for man, are shunned, and success will never be achieved—as the physical restrictions of matter, due to time, distance, speeds, etc., do not permit. God has set up a veil between the upper and the lower heavens (earth being in the lower), as a barrier to keep everything not permitted, out of the upper heavens. Even travel by man in the lower heavens is resisted by the elements, and discouraged in the Scriptures. These efforts will provide No Salvation for Man, in or out, of this Life.
Space Travel by Man, Is Shunned by GOD... The Prophets Reveal:
“We have indeed decked the lower heaven with beauty (in) the stars,” – QUR: XXXVII.6.
“(For beauty) and for guard against all obstinate rebellious evil spirits,” – QUR: XXXVII.7.
“(So) they should not strain their ears in the direction of the Exalted Assembly, but be cast away from every side,” – QUR: XXXVII.8.
“Repulsed, for they are under a perpetual penalty,” – QUR: XXXVII.9.
“Except such as snatch away something by stealth, and they are pursued by a flaming Fire of piercing brightness,” – QUR: XXXVII.10.
“Though they dig into hell, thence shall mine hand take them; though they climb up to heaven, thence will I bring them down:” – Amos 9:2.
“Though thou exalt thyself as the eagle, and though thou set thy nest among the stars, thence will I bring thee down, saith the Lord.” – Obadiah 1:4.
“This space between earth and the heavens and all the quarters is filled by You alone…” – GIT XI/20. – p110-111.
MORE ABOUT THE HEAVENS... Is Revealed Later on This web page.
MAN'S ORIGIN WAS PARADISE... It was Lost to Man—But, Men Can Return Again.
Learning Our Origin and Our Purpose... Is the Basis for Preparing Us for Our Destiny.
MAN'S INSTRUCTION Is: To Learn GOD's TRUTH... in order to Escape Our Bondage to the Traps and Snares in this Evil and Temporary World. This is how we can Return to Paradise.
God wants Us to Return to Our Origin—which consisted of the Worship of the One True God.
GOD'S SALVATION, Is What GOD Desires for Us... "NOT DEATH". The JUDGMENT Has Already Started. See the GUIDE BOOK for More on GOD's Plan of Salvation... for Man.
Man's Creation on earth was accomplished with extraterrestrial input.
ONE SUPREME GOD... Rules Over All of Creation. Some people suggest—that God, Is A POWER. All of the major world religions, and most minor religions; as well as, other people who do not practice a religion, recognize that there Is a Higher Power.
GOD Is Unchanging Power... and the Knowledge of God, as delivered by his servants when it was revealed to them, still exists today. This Knowledge emphasizes Oneness in Religion, and Oneness in the Worship of God. The One Supreme God Is The First Father. Jesus Did Not Come to Change God's Plan. This Fact is explained on this web page—and in more detail in the Guide BOOK.
THE FIRST FATHER, ONLY... Should Be Worshiped... with no partners, or other objects, included. It is this mixing of the worship of the lower gods upon the earth, with the worship of the One True God, that contaminates religions. It is man's Responsibility on this earth, to Seek the Truth of GOD. It is the Knowing of the TRUTH, about our Existence and about our Purpose, that Saves Us.
Krishna Revealed: (Speaking as the First Father)
“And whoso thus discerneth Me in all, and all in Me, I never let him go; nor looseneth he hold upon Me; but, dwell he where he may, whatever his life, in Me he dwells and lives, because he knows and worships Me, Who dwell In all which lives, and cleaves to Me in all.” – GIT: VI/30, 31. – p45.
Jesus Said:
“The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord:” – Mark 12:29.
“And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.” – Luke 18:19.
“For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.” – John 12:49.
“As God liveth, I am not able to forgive sins, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth. But as servant of God I can beseech him for the sins of others." – p120.
“I am come forth from the Father, and am come into the world; again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” – John 16:28.
The Prophet Muhammad Said:
“And call not, besides God, on another god. There is no God but He. Everything (that exists) will perish except His own Face. To Him belongs the command, and to Him will ye (all) be brought back.” – QUR: XVIII.88. – p46.
“And your God is One God: there is no God but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” – QUR: II.163.
“Call upon God or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong The Most Beautiful Names….”– QUR: XVII.110. – pp324-328.
Totally Submitting to... THE FATHER'S WILL, Is the Requirement for receiving Knowledge and Salvation from God. In worshiping God in Truth, it must be acknowledged that the Father is the Source of all. Everything owes its existence to the Father—that Great Light. He is recognized as the Source of all of our sustenance and all our Salvation. We are not to try to look on the earth, or beyond the earth, into Space, for Salvation. Jesus and the other true Prophets of GOD gave this Same Message, regarding the Father.
It is no coincidence that there is a belief in Christianity about a Trinity—meaning that God is in Three Persons. The following Information Explains the Entities of: The Father and of the Gods in Heaven. Whereas, Christianity has it Wrong!... There are other believers in other religions and Faiths, who also have it Wrong! This scenario—concerning multiple Gods—existed long before Christianity. This belief of a triune god was brought forth from ancient times—long before Abraham. The consolation is that all of the Entities of God in Creation are Now Explained... They are all revealed and explained to us by Christ—through the Words of Jesus.
Jesus has Explained all of this for us, in the following Information. This Information will shed more Light on all aspects of Worship practices, worldwide. Do Not Let Pride Hinder You... from accepting the Truths of God that are explained to us by Jesus.
Jesus Said:
“The Lord of the Universe is not called ‘Father’, but ‘First Father’, the source of those that were to be revealed. Now he is the beginningless First Father who beholds himself within himself as with a mirror. He was revealed, resembling himself. And his likeness was revealed as a divine father through himself, as a Confronter over the confronted ones, the first-existing, Unbegotten Father. Indeed he is of equal age with the Light that is before his countenance, but he is not equal to Him in power.”
(This Accounts For The "BIG BANG")
"...he who was revealed before the universe in the boundlessness is the self-grown, self-constructed Father who is full of shinning light, and is ineffable. In the beginning he decided to have his form come to be as a great power.
“...And when those whom I have spoken of were revealed, the self-Begetter Father first began to create for himself twelve aeons for retinue and twelve angels. These are all perfect and good. Through these was revealed the defect in the female.”
“Whoever has an ear to hear, let him hear, First-Begetter Father is called ‘Adam, the Eye of the Light’, because he came from the shining Light with his holy angels, who are ineffable and shadowless. They rejoice continually with joy in their reflecting, which they received from their Father. This is the whole kingdom of Son of Man, the One who is called ‘Son of God’."
"...the Father, who is called ‘Man, the Self-Father’, revealed him (Son of God)."
“…He (Father of the Universe) created that curtain between the immortals and those that came after them, so that the consequence might follow every aeon and chaos, so that the defect of the female might live, and she (the female) might exist, although Error fights against her. And these became a curtain of a spirit. …” – pp76-79.
(After having received the ‘Book’ (of Knowledge) on Mount Olives and becoming ‘Enlightened’)... Jesus said:
“He who Is, is ineffable (First Father). No sovereignty knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor did any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except himself, and anyone to whom he wills to make revelation through him who is from the First Light. From now on I am the great Savior.” – p123.
All Of Our Worship Efforts... Should Be Concentrated On The ‘First Father’. Man was given a soul upon his creation, through the Spirit, a soul that was trapped with the body, where it remained at death, and had no chance of salvation. Thus original man’s plight was to live in ignorance (bondage), and to die, and to repose in the ignorance of the grave, just as the animals do, with rebirth after rebirth, enduring the sufferings of life in this world, with no means of escape. The First Father, having mercy upon mankind, along with the will of the Spirit that man should live, through that breath, He gave man His spirit. It is through this breath that a drop from the Light and from the Spirit quickens man, giving him reasoning and a means to immortality, a means to become as the Host (The Assembly) of heaven, who agree as One in the Father. – p319.
Learn More About The First Father, On This Webpage... Under The Heading: GOD'S CREATION... INCLUDES A HEAVEN & A HELL
Jesus Said:
“I desire that you understand that he who was revealed before the universe in the boundlessness is the self-grown, self-constructed Father who is full of shinning light, and is ineffable. In the beginning he decided to have his form come to be as a great power. Immediately the beginning of that light was revealed as an immortal, androgynous man, so that through that immortal man they might attain their salvation and awake from forgetfulness through the interpreter who was sent, who is with you until the end of the poverty of the robbers."
"... the Father, who is called ‘Man, the Self-Father’, revealed him (Immortal Man)."
“I desire that you understand that First Man is called ‘Begetter, Mind who is complete within himself’. He reflected with the great Sophia, his consort, and revealed his first-begotten, androgynous son. His male name is called ‘First-Begetter Son of God’; his female name is ‘First Begettress Sophia, Mother of the Universe’. Some call her ‘Love’. Now the First-begotten is called ‘Christ’. Since he (First Man) has authority from his Father, he created for himself a multitude of angels without number for retinue, from the Spirit and the Light.”
“And his consort is the great Sophia, who was from the first destined in him for a yoke, through the self-begotten Father, from Immortal Man, who first was revealed in divinity and kingdom; for the Father, who is called ‘Man, the Self-Father’, revealed him. He (Immortal man) created for himself a great aeon, whose name is Ogdoad, corresponding to his greatness. He was given great authority and ruled over the creation of poverty.”
“…He (Son of Man) created for himself gods and angels and archangels, myriads without number for retinue. This is from that Light and the tri-male spirit, which is that of Sophia, his consort. For from this God originated divinity and kingdom. Therefore he was called ‘God of gods’, ‘King of kings’.”
"For by his concurrence and his thought the powers were first revealed, who were called ‘gods’. And the gods of the gods by their wisdom revealed gods. By their wisdom they revealed lords. And the lords of the lords revealed lords by their thinking. And the lords by their power revealed archangels. The archangels by their words revealed angels. By these, semblances were revealed with structure, and form, and name for all the aeons and their worlds."
"... This is the whole kingdom of Son of Man, the One who is called ‘Son of God’."
“Son of Man harmonized with Sophia, his consort, and revealed a great androgynous light. His male name is called ‘Savior, Begetter of all Things’. – pp77-78.
CONCERNING... THE HOLY SPIRIT (Called: Mother Of The Universe)
Jesus Said:
(This Scripture Concerns the ERROR of The Female)
“…For those who were in the world had been prepared by the work of our sister Sophia —she who is a whore—because of the innocence which has not been uttered. And she did not ask anything from the All, nor from the greatness of the Assembly, nor from the Pleroma. Since she was first she came forth to prepare monads and places for the Son of Light, and the fellow workers which she took from the elements below to build bodily dwellings from them. But, having come into being in an empty glory, they ended in destruction in the dwellings in which they were, since they were prepared by Sophia." – p205.
“Son of Man harmonized with Sophia, his consort, and revealed a great androgynous light. His male name is called ‘Savior, Begetter of all Things’. His female name is called ‘All-Begettress Sophia’. Some call her ‘Pistis’. All who come into the world like a drop from the Light are sent by him (Son of Man) to the world of the Almighty, so that they might be guarded by him. And the bond of its (the drop’s) forgetfulness bound it by the will of Sophia, so that the matter might be revealed through it (the bond) to the whole world of poverty concerning his (the Almighty’s) arrogance and blindness, and the ignorance, because he named himself.”
“…And his (Son of Man) consort is the great Sophia, who was from the first destined in him for a yoke, through the self-begotten Father, from Immortal Man, who first was revealed in divinity and kingdom; for the Father, who is called ‘Man, the Self-Father’, revealed him…”
“…He (Son of Man) created for himself gods and angels and archangels, myriads without number for retinue. This is from that Light and the tri-male spirit, which is that of Sophia, his consort. For from this God originated divinity and kingdom. Therefore he was called ‘God of gods’, ‘King of kings’.”
“He (Son of Man) reflected with the great Sophia, his consort, and revealed his first-begotten, androgynous son. His male name is called ‘First-Begetter Son of God’; his female name is ‘First Begettress Sophia or ‘All-Begettress Sophia’, Mother of the Universe’. Some call her ‘Love’, some call her ‘Pistis’.”
“…The male is called ‘Assembly’, while the female is called ‘Life’, that it might be shown that from a female came the life of all the aeons. And every name was received form the time of the beginning."
"And the immortals, which I have just described, all have authority from Immortal Man and Sophia, his consort, who is called ‘Silence’, because in reflecting without a word all her greatness was perfected. For the imperishables, since they have authority, each created for themselves a great kingdom in the Eighth, and also thrones, and temples, and firmaments corresponding to their greatness. For these all came from the will of the Mother of the Universe.” – pp78-79.
CONCERNING... THE CHRIST (The First Begotten Son)
Christ Came To Save Mankind —by revealing man's purpose (through Jesus), by reiterating the Laws of GOD, and by reaffirming the worship of the One True God. Jesus, himself, does not wish to be worshiped – that is Abomination and Anti-Christ.
Jesus Said:
“He (Son of Man) reflected with the great Sophia, his consort, and revealed his first-begotten, androgynous son."
"Now the First-begotten is called ‘Christ’. Since he (First Man) has authority from his Father, he created for himself a multitude of angels without number for retinue, from the Spirit and the Light.” – p77.
Jesus Said: (Speaking As The Christ... For Man's Redemption)
“But I came from the places above by the will of the great Light, I who escaped from the bond. I cut off the thing of the robbers. I awakened it, namely, the drop that was sent from Sophia, so that it might bear much fruit through me, and be perfected, and not be lacking, but be set apart by me, the great Savior, in order that his glory might be revealed, so that Sophia might be justified in regard to that defect, so that her sons might not again become defective, but might attain honor and glory, and go up to their Father, and know the words of the masculine Light.”
“But I taught you about Immortal Man, and I loosed the bonds of the robbers from him. I broke the gates of the pitiless ones before their faces. I humiliated their malicious intent. They all were ashamed and rose from their ignorance. Because of this, then I came here, so that they might be joined with that spirit and breath, and might from two become one, just as from the first, so that you might yield much fruit and go up to the one who is from the beginning, in ineffable joy, and glory, and honor, and grace of the Father of the Universe.”
“He who Is, is ineffable (First Father). No sovereignty knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor did any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except himself, and anyone to whom he wills to make revelation through him who is from the First Light. From now on I am the great Savior.” – p123.
“I am Christ, the Son of Man, the one from you who is among you. I am despised for your sake, in order that you yourselves may forget the difference. And do not become female, lest you give birth to evil and its brothers: jealousy and division, anger and wrath, fear and a divided heart, and empty, non-existent desire. But I am an ineffable mystery to you.” – pp87-88.
Christ Is Prophesied To Return... To Re-Educate The World... ABOUT THE FATHER
This Spirit of Son of Man, or of Christ, that Jesus possessed, is prophesied to return again, in these Last Days—with the Truth of God—for man's Redemption... as described above. GOD has given us SIGNS that will announce this Return of the Spirit of Son of Man.
This return of Jesus, as Christians call it—or of Mahdi, as he is referred to in Islam, represents the return of the spirit of Son of Man, which Christ possessed. In Hindu philosophy, this is the spirit of Kalkin. This return shall not be manifest as many people believe and speculate on; but it will be an awakening for individuals who seek the Truth about our existence, and our destinies.
THE FATHER is still the only Entity that we should direct all of our Worship and Dedication toward. Jesus and the Prophets explain this very well throughout the Scriptures and throughout this website, as they project the worship of One True God—which is THE FATHER.
Jesus Said:
“As God liveth, I am not able to forgive sins, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth. But as servant of God I can beseech him for the sins of others: and so I have besought him for this sick man, and I am sure that God hath heard my prayer.”
Jesus Says In a Song (Speaking As The Christ):
“...‘That which thou knowest not, I myself will teach thee. I am thy God, not the Betrayer’s. I would be kept in time with holy souls. In Me know thou the Word of Wisdom. Say thou to me again:
Glory to Thee, Father!
Glory to Thee, Word!
Glory to Thee, Holy Spirit!
But as for me, if thou wouldst know what I was:
In a word I am the Word who did play [or dance] all things, and was not ashamed at all.
Twas I who leaped [and danced].
But do thou understand all, and, understanding, say:
Glory to Thee, Father!
Amen!’” – p120.
“This is why I say to you, for your sakes I came down. You are the beloved; you are they who will be the cause of life in many.
Invoke the Father, implore God often, and he will give to you. Blessed is he who has seen you with Him when He was proclaimed among the angels, and glorified among the saints; yours is life. Rejoice and be glad as sons of God. Keep his will that you may be saved; accept reproof from me and save yourselves. I intercede on your behalf with the Father, and he will forgive you much.” – p90.
& on Web Page: CHAOS & RAPTURE... under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN.
This Spirit of Son of Man, or of Christ, that Jesus possessed, is prophesied to return again, in these Last Days—with the Truth of God—for man's Redemption... as described above. GOD has given us SIGNS that will announce this Return of the Spirit of Son of Man.
This return of Jesus, as Christians call it—or of Mahdi, as he is referred to in Islam, represents the return of the spirit of Son of Man, which Christ possessed. In Hindu philosophy, this is the spirit of Kalkin. This return shall not be manifest as many people believe and speculate on; but it will be an awakening for individuals who seek the Truth about our existence, and our destinies.
THE FATHER is still the only Entity that we should direct all of our Worship and Dedication toward. Jesus and the Prophets explain this very well throughout the Scriptures and throughout this website, as they project the worship of One True God—which is THE FATHER.
Jesus Said:
“As God liveth, I am not able to forgive sins, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth. But as servant of God I can beseech him for the sins of others: and so I have besought him for this sick man, and I am sure that God hath heard my prayer.”
Jesus Says In a Song (Speaking As The Christ):
“...‘That which thou knowest not, I myself will teach thee. I am thy God, not the Betrayer’s. I would be kept in time with holy souls. In Me know thou the Word of Wisdom. Say thou to me again:
Glory to Thee, Father!
Glory to Thee, Word!
Glory to Thee, Holy Spirit!
But as for me, if thou wouldst know what I was:
In a word I am the Word who did play [or dance] all things, and was not ashamed at all.
Twas I who leaped [and danced].
But do thou understand all, and, understanding, say:
Glory to Thee, Father!
Amen!’” – p120.
“This is why I say to you, for your sakes I came down. You are the beloved; you are they who will be the cause of life in many.
Invoke the Father, implore God often, and he will give to you. Blessed is he who has seen you with Him when He was proclaimed among the angels, and glorified among the saints; yours is life. Rejoice and be glad as sons of God. Keep his will that you may be saved; accept reproof from me and save yourselves. I intercede on your behalf with the Father, and he will forgive you much.” – p90.
& on Web Page: CHAOS & RAPTURE... under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN.
CONCERNING... THE DEVIL (Called: God of This World)
The Devil Has Been Around... From Ancient Times.
There is Truth in the legends that have been preserved by man; and this truth should be especially sort after and adhered to, when it is backed-up by Spiritual Knowledge. The devil is the false god, in the Bible.
According to Knowledge and to legend, the devil is referred to as: Tiamat (the dragon of chaos)—a female, and he is the same god as Tammuz, who was killed by Marduk (a type of Christ) , and who was pursued by the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar (called: the Mother, Great Mother, the Mother of the Gods, Ma, etc.). According to one Babylonian tradition, Ishtar descended for a while into the lower parts of the earth (the underworld or Hades), mournfully in search of her deceased lover; she searched for him in vain. During her search, fertility ceased in the land. Tammuz (also called: Enlil, Bel, Dumuzi or Adonis) was originally a king of Uruk (in Mesopotamia) and in some other legends he is called Demiurge, also called: Cosmocrator, Ialdabaoth or Yaldabaoth (also translated YHVH, Yahweh, and Jehovah). Tammuz rose again after death (some say he was miraculously preserved), but he remained to rule the lower parts of the earth, the ‘land of no return’. He was the vegetation spirit who dies in the winter (or when the cycle is complete). – p.410.
Scriptures concerning this god (devil) and his expelling from heaven are:
“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,” – Rev. 12:7.
“And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” – Rev. 12:8-10. – pp.258-259.
The false god whom Sophia—the Queen of Heaven, or Ishtar, was looking for in the lower parts of the earth after his death was Dumuzi (according to the legends). This parallels the other legends, surrounding the expulsion of the devil from heaven; and of the legends of Marduk slaying the dragon, in ancient Mesopotamia. – pp.8-10.
The younger god Dumuzi was her lover who had died. Dumuzi, who was originally a king of Uruk (in Mesopotamia), rose again after death (some say he was miraculously preserved) but remained to rule the ‘land of no return’, also called underworld (Hades).
This god is the ‘god of this world’ (IICor. 4:4). With his false claims he misleads mankind, as he boasts about himself. He is very proud and arrogant. He holds man in the bondage of ignorance, which translates to the bondage of death, for lack of knowledge.
From the legends and historical accounts of Dumuzi, whom we call Jehovah—who is the Devil, and god of this world, it is easy to see how Christianity and other religions, have legends in their philosophy, that deify their prophets and teachers—to the level that their prophets become gods in their teachings. The falseness surrounding this god is in the legends created about Jesus and other prophets.
The scriptural translation for his name Yaldabaoth, means ‘Lord of Hosts’, he is a god of wrath and vengeance. This god has been given other names also (Almighty, Allah, Jehovah, etc.).
The prophet Daniel called this god: the Ancient of days. – Dan. 7:9, 22.
Jesus called this god (of this world) ‘The Almighty’, as he said:
“All who come into the world like a drop from the light are sent by him (Son of Man) to the world of the Almighty, so that they might be guarded by him (Son of Man).” – p.255
Although this god is in error in his fabricated beliefs about himself, he is not totally evil, as he did attempt to establish some order in this world of chaos that he has some control of. And he is involved in the creation of man and other life in this world, as well as in the creation of Satan; which accounts for the imperfection in man, in the animal and vegetative life, in his archangel (Satan) and in Satan’s spiritual followers. The thing that we must keep in mind is that the god of this world is loved by the Queen of Heaven (the Holy Spirit), as She loves all of Her created souls, because She is Love.
A Scripture about this god (devil) and the Judgment:
“Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.” – Isa. 13:6.
Jesus said that we should not hate this god, or Satan, but we should be aware and avoid them; while at the same time, having pity on Satan, for the punishment that he is sure to receive. We must remember that The Almighty is of God also, as he is in God’s total scheme of things. He is allowed, by God, to bring destruction upon men, from time to time; and he will be used in God's Judgment.
The number for the Devil is 7 (seven)—for all created entities have a number, and man's number is 6 (six). See chapter 2, titled: ONE SAME GOD, under the heading: A HISTORY OF RELIGION, for more information on the Devil and the gods. – pp254-255.
For Other Associations made with the Devil and with the Number 7, see webpage: JUDGMENT & BEAST.
Jesus Said: (About The Devil... and his False Claims)
“I came from the First, who was sent so that I might reveal to you the one who is from the beginning, because of the arrogance of the Prime Begetter and his angels, because they say about themselves that they are gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness that I might tell everyone about the God who is above the universe. You, therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliated their malicious intent, and break their yoke, and arouse my own. I have given you authority over all things as sons of light, so that you might tread upon their power with your feet.”
“And then a voice—of the Cosmocrator—came to the angels: ‘I am God and there is no other beside me.’ But I laughed joyfully when I examined his empty glory. But he went on to say, ‘Who is man?’ And the entire host of his angels who had seen Adam and his dwelling were laughing at his smallness. And thus did their Ennoia come to be removed outside the Majesty of the heavens, i.e. the Man of Truth, whose name they saw since he is in a small dwelling place, since they are small and senseless in their empty Ennoia, namely their laughter. It was contagion for them.” – p257.
They have accelerated their activities—here on Earth—of misleading men about the Truth of God... since the Devil knows that their time of dominion here on earth is almost over. But the consolation is that GOD has given us SIGNS in the Heavens and on the Earth—Warning us of the Devil’s activities. And He has given us the Means and the Directions for resisting the Devil and for obtaining Our Salvation. GOD has given to Man, a Life Rope... for Man's Rescue.
CONCERNING... THE DEVIL (Called: God of This World)
The Devil Has Been Around... From Ancient Times.
There is Truth in the legends that have been preserved by man; and this truth should be especially sort after and adhered to, when it is backed-up by Spiritual Knowledge. The devil is the false god, in the Bible.
According to Knowledge and to legend, the devil is referred to as: Tiamat (the dragon of chaos)—a female, and he is the same god as Tammuz, who was killed by Marduk (a type of Christ) , and who was pursued by the Queen of Heaven, Ishtar (called: the Mother, Great Mother, the Mother of the Gods, Ma, etc.). According to one Babylonian tradition, Ishtar descended for a while into the lower parts of the earth (the underworld or Hades), mournfully in search of her deceased lover; she searched for him in vain. During her search, fertility ceased in the land. Tammuz (also called: Enlil, Bel, Dumuzi or Adonis) was originally a king of Uruk (in Mesopotamia) and in some other legends he is called Demiurge, also called: Cosmocrator, Ialdabaoth or Yaldabaoth (also translated YHVH, Yahweh, and Jehovah). Tammuz rose again after death (some say he was miraculously preserved), but he remained to rule the lower parts of the earth, the ‘land of no return’. He was the vegetation spirit who dies in the winter (or when the cycle is complete). – p.410.
Scriptures concerning this god (devil) and his expelling from heaven are:
“And there was war in heaven: Michael and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels,” – Rev. 12:7.
“And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.” “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” “And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.” – Rev. 12:8-10. – pp.258-259.
The false god whom Sophia—the Queen of Heaven, or Ishtar, was looking for in the lower parts of the earth after his death was Dumuzi (according to the legends). This parallels the other legends, surrounding the expulsion of the devil from heaven; and of the legends of Marduk slaying the dragon, in ancient Mesopotamia. – pp.8-10.
The younger god Dumuzi was her lover who had died. Dumuzi, who was originally a king of Uruk (in Mesopotamia), rose again after death (some say he was miraculously preserved) but remained to rule the ‘land of no return’, also called underworld (Hades).
This god is the ‘god of this world’ (IICor. 4:4). With his false claims he misleads mankind, as he boasts about himself. He is very proud and arrogant. He holds man in the bondage of ignorance, which translates to the bondage of death, for lack of knowledge.
From the legends and historical accounts of Dumuzi, whom we call Jehovah—who is the Devil, and god of this world, it is easy to see how Christianity and other religions, have legends in their philosophy, that deify their prophets and teachers—to the level that their prophets become gods in their teachings. The falseness surrounding this god is in the legends created about Jesus and other prophets.
The scriptural translation for his name Yaldabaoth, means ‘Lord of Hosts’, he is a god of wrath and vengeance. This god has been given other names also (Almighty, Allah, Jehovah, etc.).
The prophet Daniel called this god: the Ancient of days. – Dan. 7:9, 22.
Jesus called this god (of this world) ‘The Almighty’, as he said:
“All who come into the world like a drop from the light are sent by him (Son of Man) to the world of the Almighty, so that they might be guarded by him (Son of Man).” – p.255
Although this god is in error in his fabricated beliefs about himself, he is not totally evil, as he did attempt to establish some order in this world of chaos that he has some control of. And he is involved in the creation of man and other life in this world, as well as in the creation of Satan; which accounts for the imperfection in man, in the animal and vegetative life, in his archangel (Satan) and in Satan’s spiritual followers. The thing that we must keep in mind is that the god of this world is loved by the Queen of Heaven (the Holy Spirit), as She loves all of Her created souls, because She is Love.
A Scripture about this god (devil) and the Judgment:
“Howl ye; for the day of the Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from the Almighty.” – Isa. 13:6.
Jesus said that we should not hate this god, or Satan, but we should be aware and avoid them; while at the same time, having pity on Satan, for the punishment that he is sure to receive. We must remember that The Almighty is of God also, as he is in God’s total scheme of things. He is allowed, by God, to bring destruction upon men, from time to time; and he will be used in God's Judgment.
The number for the Devil is 7 (seven)—for all created entities have a number, and man's number is 6 (six). See chapter 2, titled: ONE SAME GOD, under the heading: A HISTORY OF RELIGION, for more information on the Devil and the gods. – pp254-255.
For Other Associations made with the Devil and with the Number 7, see webpage: JUDGMENT & BEAST.
Jesus Said: (About The Devil... and his False Claims)
“I came from the First, who was sent so that I might reveal to you the one who is from the beginning, because of the arrogance of the Prime Begetter and his angels, because they say about themselves that they are gods. And I came to remove them from their blindness that I might tell everyone about the God who is above the universe. You, therefore, tread upon their graves, humiliated their malicious intent, and break their yoke, and arouse my own. I have given you authority over all things as sons of light, so that you might tread upon their power with your feet.”
“And then a voice—of the Cosmocrator—came to the angels: ‘I am God and there is no other beside me.’ But I laughed joyfully when I examined his empty glory. But he went on to say, ‘Who is man?’ And the entire host of his angels who had seen Adam and his dwelling were laughing at his smallness. And thus did their Ennoia come to be removed outside the Majesty of the heavens, i.e. the Man of Truth, whose name they saw since he is in a small dwelling place, since they are small and senseless in their empty Ennoia, namely their laughter. It was contagion for them.” – p257.
They have accelerated their activities—here on Earth—of misleading men about the Truth of God... since the Devil knows that their time of dominion here on earth is almost over. But the consolation is that GOD has given us SIGNS in the Heavens and on the Earth—Warning us of the Devil’s activities. And He has given us the Means and the Directions for resisting the Devil and for obtaining Our Salvation. GOD has given to Man, a Life Rope... for Man's Rescue.
The existence of Heaven and Hell is inherent with God's Creation. It does not matter whether an individual believes in God, or not—the fact still remains that there is a Creation, and we all are a part of it—everything that exists, had a beginning, and it will have an end. With that fact being known, it is also a fact that Heaven and Hell does exist—as GOD'S WORD, as delivered by HIS prophets, tells us so.
It is Pride that keeps individuals from accepting God's Truth when it is presented to them. If these individuals only knew, or if they would only listen—they would realize that it is the Devil and his archangel, Satan, that is clouding their minds; and thus, keeping them from the Knowledge and the Bliss that our Creator desires for each of us.
Heaven and Hell are a part of the Cycle of Creation that God has set into motion. Their purposes are to provide the corrective and the rewarding measures from God, to the individuals and to the entities that deserve the rewards and the punishments that are offered in these respective places. These are all Benefits from God, for those who understand God and who follow Him. Everything works in God.
The Concepts of the Wheel of Life and of the Horn-of-Plenty that are present in Asian philosophy and astrology, have true merit.
The Wheel of Life... Designates the Order and Consistency in Creation, & the Horn-of-Plenty Represents Creation Origin and the Abundance of Creation.
“Before anything was revealed of those that appear, the greatness of the authority were in him, for he embraced the whole of the totalities while nothing embraced him. For he is all mind, and he is thought, and thinking, and reflecting, and rationality, and power They are all equal powers. They are the sources of the totalities. And their whole race from the first until the end were in his foreknowledge, that of the boundless Unbegotten Father.”
“The Lord of the Universe is not called ‘Father’, but ‘First Father’, the source of those that were to be revealed. Now he is the beginningless First Father who beholds himself within himself as with a mirror. He was revealed, resembling himself. And his likeness was revealed as a divine father through himself, as a Confronter over the confronted ones, the first-existing, Unbegotten Father. Indeed he is of equal age with the Light that is before his countenance, but he is not equal to Him in power.”
(This Accounts For The "BIG BANG")
"...he who was revealed before the universe in the boundlessness is the self-grown, self-constructed Father who is full of shinning light, and is ineffable. In the beginning he decided to have his form come to be as a great power.
“…And when those whom I have spoken of were revealed, the self-Begetter Father first began to create for himself twelve aeons for retinue and twelve angels. These are all perfect and good. Through these was revealed the defect in the female.”
“He is unnameable. He has no human form; for whoever has human form is the creation of another. And he has a semblance of his own—not like what you have seen or received, but a strange semblance that surpasses all things and is better than the universe. It looks to every side and sees itself from itself. Since it has no boundary, he is ever incomprehensible. He is imperishable, since he has no likeness to anything. He is unchanging good. He is faultless. He is eternal. He is blessed. While he is not known, he ever knows himself. He is immeasurable. He is untraceable. He is perfect, having no defect. He is imperishably blessed. He is called ‘the Father of the Universe’.” – pp75-77.
GOD Is The Only Reality... And The Source Of All Salvation
The True Reality is that: ‘Only GOD is Real’; God, the Father, represents the Eternal Light and He is the source of all that exists, the source of all that is revealed, and to whom we all must return. There is but One Supreme God, and we all worship Him, although many worship Him in error. But the Father, being as merciful and as tolerant as He is, He accepts that worship also, as long as it is in true devotion. All that ever was and all that is revealed is not known to man, nor ever will be known to man. Man can only see and comprehend what is in his limited physical and mental realm of understanding and capability—anything beyond that must be shown to man through the Spirit of God that is within man, and a man can only realize that knowledge through his devotion to God.
(This Accounts For The "BLACK HOLES")
All things will resolve back into the Father, from whence it came, each will resolve back into its own roots. We are all part of the substance of the universe, and we exist only through the means through which we were created. Our creators created us from the elements of the earth, just as they created the animals and beasts of the field, which makes us mortal. Our creators, who are not mortal, and who themselves were revealed through the ‘Mother of the Universe’, also have their roots back into the Unbegotten Father. Even the Mother of the Universe (Holy Spirit) was sent forth from that Light—the Father of the Universe.
Jesus said: “All natures, all formations, all creatures exist in and with one another, and they will resolve again into their own roots. For the nature of matter is resolved into the roots of its own nature alone. He who has ears to hear, let him hear.” – p318.
Heaven is the place that God has reserved for deceased, or delivered, earthly beings, who have lived righteously—during their lives. Our eternal purpose is to return back to God; but moreover, to become One with God as Jesus is, and as Jesus has plainly instructed us to be. The level of our knowledge of God along with our faith in Him and our good works determine the fate of our souls after we depart this life. Don't let men deceive you,... by saying that you are, or will be, delivered by Grace— It Is a Lie!
If we know God in Truth and if we worship Him properly (according to His Word) we will receive the maximum reward, with God Himself (in the third level of heaven) and we never have to depart from that place. Beings who achieve this maximum reward repose in the Father and never return to earth again. Each person is responsible for his own actions; and no other person can intercede for him.
Heaven and Paradise are used somewhat interchangeably in the Scriptures. Whereas, Heaven can often signify a place of Total Bliss, that can last for eternity; Paradise, always signifies such a place. – p62.
Jesus said: “Wherefore the glory of paradise is for the body, the meats, and for the soul and the sense, God and the conversation of Angels and blessed spirits. That glory shall be better revealed by the messenger of God, who (seeing God hath created all things for love of him) knoweth all things better than any other creature.” – p298.
Heaven is the place that God has reserved for deceased, or delivered, earthly beings, who have lived righteously—during their lives. Our eternal purpose is to return back to God; but moreover, to become One with God as Jesus is, and as Jesus has plainly instructed us to be. The level of our knowledge of God along with our faith in Him and our good works determine the fate of our souls after we depart this life. Don't let men deceive you,... by saying that you are, or will be, delivered by Grace— It Is a Lie!
If we know God in Truth and if we worship Him properly (according to His Word) we will receive the maximum reward, with God Himself (in the third level of heaven) and we never have to depart from that place. Beings who achieve this maximum reward repose in the Father and never return to earth again. Each person is responsible for his own actions; and no other person can intercede for him.
Heaven and Paradise are used somewhat interchangeably in the Scriptures. Whereas, Heaven can often signify a place of Total Bliss, that can last for eternity; Paradise, always signifies such a place. – p62.
Jesus said: “Wherefore the glory of paradise is for the body, the meats, and for the soul and the sense, God and the conversation of Angels and blessed spirits. That glory shall be better revealed by the messenger of God, who (seeing God hath created all things for love of him) knoweth all things better than any other creature.” – p298.
Men In Paradise
Describing Paradise, Jesus said: “Hearken, and I will tell you of what manner is paradise, and how the holy and the faithful shall abide there without end, for this is one of the greatest blessings of paradise, seeing that everything, however great, if it have an end, becometh small, yea nought. ‘Paradise is the home where God storeth his delights, which are so great that the ground which is trodden by the feet of the holy and blessed ones is so precious that one drachm of it is more precious than a thousand worlds.” “‘What think ye,’ said Jesus to his disciples, ‘of paradise? Is there a mind that could comprehend such riches and delights? Man must needs have a knowledge as great as God’s if he would know what God willeth to give to his servants.’ ‘God saith thus to him that loveth him, and serveth him faithfully: “Go and consider the sands of the sea, O my servant, how many they are. Wherefore, if the sea should give thee one single grain of sand, would it appear small to thee? Assuredly, yea. As I, thy creator, live, all that I have given in this world to all the princes and kings of the earth is less than a grain of sand that the sea would give thee, in comparison of that which I will give thee in my paradise.”’ ‘It will not be equal, for that God is just; and everyone shall be content, because there is no envy there.’ ‘But believe me, this flesh of ours shall be so purified that it shall not possess a single property of those which now it hath; seeing that it shall be purged of every evil desire, and God shall reduce it to such a condition as was Adam’s before he sinned.’ – pp293-296. |
The Delights Of Paradise
The Prophet Muhammad (messenger) Said: “God will admit those who believe and work righteous deeds, to Gardens beneath which rivers flow: they shall be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and pearls; and their garments there will be of silk.” – QUR: XXII.23. “For they have been guided (in this life) to the purest of speeches; they have been guided to the path of Him who is Worthy of (all) praise.” – QUR: XXII.24. “Enter ye the Garden, ye and your wives, in (beauty and) rejoicing.” – QUR: XLIII.70. “To them will be passed round, dishes and goblets of gold: there will be there all that the souls could desire, all that the eyes could delight in: and ye shall abide therein (for aye).” – QUR: XLIII.71. “(To them will be said:) ‘Eat and drink ye, with profit and health, because of your (good) deeds.’” – QUR: LII.19. “They will recline (with ease) on Thrones (of dignity) arranged in ranks; and We shall join them to Companions, with beautiful big lustrous eyes.” – QUR: LII.20. “And those who believe and whose families follow them in Faith, — to them shall We join their families: nor shall We deprive them (of the fruit) of aught of their works: (yet) is each individual in pledge for his deeds.” – QUR: LII.21. “And we shall bestow on them, of fruit and meat, anything they shall desire.” – QUR: LII.22. “They shall there exchange, one with another, a (loving) cup free of frivolity, free of all taint of ill.” – QUR: LII.23. “Round about them will serve, (devoted) to them, youths (handsome) as Pearls well guarded.” – QUR: LII.24. “They will advance to each other, engaging in mutual enquiry.” – QUR: LII.25. “In them will be (Maidens), chaste, restraining their glances, whom no man or Jinn before them has touched;” – QUR: LV.56. – pp299-301. |
GREATNESS OF PARADISE... Heaven Has... Nine Levels
Describing The Vastness of Paradise, Jesus said:
“Paradise is so great that no man can measure it. Verily I say unto thee that the heavens are nine, among which are set the planets, that are distant one from another five hundred years’ journey for a man: and the earth in like manner is distant from the first heaven five hundred years’ journey.’
‘God is so immeasurable that I tremble to describe him. But it is necessary that I make unto you a proposition. I tell you, then, that the heavens are nine and that they are distant from one another even as the first heaven is distant from the earth, which is distant from the earth five hundred years’ journey. Wherefore the earth is distant from the highest heaven four thousand and five hundred years’ journey. I tell you, accordingly, that the earth is in proportion to the first heaven as the point of a needle, and the first heaven in like manner is in proportion to the second as a point, and similarly all the heavens are inferior each one to the next. But all the size of the earth with that of all the heavens is in proportion to paradise as a point, nay, as a grain of sand. Is this greatness immeasurable?.’”
GREATNESS OF GOD... He Sustains The Heavens
“Then said Jesus: ‘As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, the universe before God is small as a grain of sand, and God is as many times greater (than it) as it would take grains of sand to fill all the heavens and paradise, and more. Now consider ye if God hath any proportion with man, who is a little piece of clay that standeth upon the earth. Beware, then, that ye take the sense and not the bare words, if ye wish to have eternal life.’
‘The disciples answered: ‘God alone can know himself, and truly it is as said Isaiah the prophet; “He is hidden from human senses.”’
‘Jesus answered: “So is it true; wherefore, when we are in paradise we shall know God, as here one knoweth the sea from a drop of salt water.” – pp296-297.
Hell is the place that God has reserved for rebellious spiritual beings, and for deceased earthly beings, who have not lived righteously—during their life. This place, which was originally created for the Devil and his followers, when they were discharged from Heaven, is now reserved for both, spiritual, and for, human beings. Just like Heaven—the senses and the bodily feelings and desires of human beings in hell will be a part of their makeup. The results of our earthly actions are carried on into the afterlife.
Jesus revealed: "Every one, be he who he may, must go into hell. It is true, however, that the holy ones and prophets of God shall go there to behold, not suffering any punishment; and the righteous, only suffering fear.”
Those who have rejected God and His Law, during their life, will remain in the fires of Hell—upon their death. – p301.
There Are... Seven (7) Levels of Hell
The more unrighteous an individual lives his, or her, earthly life—the lower their position in hell will be, and the more Punishment they will receive.
Describing Hell, Jesus said:
“Hell is one, O my disciples, and in it the damned shall suffer punishment eternally. Yet hath it seven rooms or regions, one deeper than the other, and he who goeth to the deepest shall suffer greater punishment. Yet are my words true concerning the sword of the angel Michael, for he that committeth but one sin meriteth hell, and he that committeth two sins meriteth two hells. Therefore in one hell shall the reprobates feel punishment as though they were in ten, or in a hundred or in a thousand, and the omnipotent God, through his power and by reason of his justice, shall cause Satan to suffer as though he were in ten hundred thousand hells, and the rest each one according to his wickedness.”
“Hell is one, and is contrary to paradise, as winter is contrary to summer, and cold to heat. He therefore who would describe the misery of hell must needs have seen the paradise of God’s delights.’
‘O place accursed by God’s justice for the malediction of the faithless and reprobate, of which said Job, the friend of God: “There is no order there, but everlasting fear!” And Isaiah the prophet, against the reprobate, saith: “Their flame shall not be quenched nor their worm die.” And David our father, weeping, said: “Then shall rain upon them lightning and bolts and brimstone and great tempest.” O miserable sinners, how loathsome then shall seem to them delicate meats, costly raiment, soft couches, and concord of sweet song! how sick shall make them raging hunger, burning flames, scorching cinders, and cruel torments with bitter weeping!’
‘Truly it were better never to have been formed than to suffer such cruel torments. For imagine a man suffering torments in every part of his body, who hath no one to show him compassion, but is mocked of all; tell me, would not this be great pain?”
“Now this is a delight (in comparison) of hell. For I tell you in truth, that if God should place in one balance all the pain which all men have suffered in this world and shall suffer till the day of Judgment, and in the other one single hour of the pain of hell, the reprobates would without doubt choose the worldly tribulations, for the worldly come from the hand of man, but the others from the hand of devils, who are utterly without compassion. O what cruel fire they shall give to miserable sinners! O what bitter cold, which yet shall not temper their flames! What gnashing of teeth and sobbing and weeping! For the Jordan has less water than the tears which every moment shall flow from their eyes. And here their tongues shall curse all things created, with their father and mother, and their Creator, who is blessed for ever.”
“‘Know ye, therefore, that hell is one, yet hath seven centers one below another. Hence, even as sin is of seven kinds, for as seven gates of hell hath Satan generated it: so are there seven punishments therein.
‘For the proud, that is the loftiest in heart, shall be plunged into the lowest centre, passing through all the centers above it, and suffering in them all the pains that are therein. And as here he seeketh to be higher than God, in wishing to do after his own manner, contrary to that which God commandeth, and not wishing to recognize anyone above him: even so there shall he be put under the feet of Satan and his devils, who shall trample him down as the grapes are trampled when wine is made, and he shall be ever derided and scorned of devils. – pp301-304.
The Seven (7) deadly sins, besides the most deadly sin of: Pride, in the order of severity, from the worst to the least are:
Envy, Covetousness, Lust, Slothfulness, Gluttony, and Wrath. Each sin is punished accordingly, and it is all described in the God inspired Guide Book.
Hell is the place that God has reserved for rebellious spiritual beings, and for deceased earthly beings, who have not lived righteously—during their life. This place, which was originally created for the Devil and his followers, when they were discharged from Heaven, is now reserved for both, spiritual, and for, human beings. Just like Heaven—the senses and the bodily feelings and desires of human beings in hell will be a part of their makeup. The results of our earthly actions are carried on into the afterlife.
Jesus revealed: "Every one, be he who he may, must go into hell. It is true, however, that the holy ones and prophets of God shall go there to behold, not suffering any punishment; and the righteous, only suffering fear.”
Those who have rejected God and His Law, during their life, will remain in the fires of Hell—upon their death. – p301.
There Are... Seven (7) Levels of Hell
The more unrighteous an individual lives his, or her, earthly life—the lower their position in hell will be, and the more Punishment they will receive.
Describing Hell, Jesus said:
“Hell is one, O my disciples, and in it the damned shall suffer punishment eternally. Yet hath it seven rooms or regions, one deeper than the other, and he who goeth to the deepest shall suffer greater punishment. Yet are my words true concerning the sword of the angel Michael, for he that committeth but one sin meriteth hell, and he that committeth two sins meriteth two hells. Therefore in one hell shall the reprobates feel punishment as though they were in ten, or in a hundred or in a thousand, and the omnipotent God, through his power and by reason of his justice, shall cause Satan to suffer as though he were in ten hundred thousand hells, and the rest each one according to his wickedness.”
“Hell is one, and is contrary to paradise, as winter is contrary to summer, and cold to heat. He therefore who would describe the misery of hell must needs have seen the paradise of God’s delights.’
‘O place accursed by God’s justice for the malediction of the faithless and reprobate, of which said Job, the friend of God: “There is no order there, but everlasting fear!” And Isaiah the prophet, against the reprobate, saith: “Their flame shall not be quenched nor their worm die.” And David our father, weeping, said: “Then shall rain upon them lightning and bolts and brimstone and great tempest.” O miserable sinners, how loathsome then shall seem to them delicate meats, costly raiment, soft couches, and concord of sweet song! how sick shall make them raging hunger, burning flames, scorching cinders, and cruel torments with bitter weeping!’
‘Truly it were better never to have been formed than to suffer such cruel torments. For imagine a man suffering torments in every part of his body, who hath no one to show him compassion, but is mocked of all; tell me, would not this be great pain?”
“Now this is a delight (in comparison) of hell. For I tell you in truth, that if God should place in one balance all the pain which all men have suffered in this world and shall suffer till the day of Judgment, and in the other one single hour of the pain of hell, the reprobates would without doubt choose the worldly tribulations, for the worldly come from the hand of man, but the others from the hand of devils, who are utterly without compassion. O what cruel fire they shall give to miserable sinners! O what bitter cold, which yet shall not temper their flames! What gnashing of teeth and sobbing and weeping! For the Jordan has less water than the tears which every moment shall flow from their eyes. And here their tongues shall curse all things created, with their father and mother, and their Creator, who is blessed for ever.”
“‘Know ye, therefore, that hell is one, yet hath seven centers one below another. Hence, even as sin is of seven kinds, for as seven gates of hell hath Satan generated it: so are there seven punishments therein.
‘For the proud, that is the loftiest in heart, shall be plunged into the lowest centre, passing through all the centers above it, and suffering in them all the pains that are therein. And as here he seeketh to be higher than God, in wishing to do after his own manner, contrary to that which God commandeth, and not wishing to recognize anyone above him: even so there shall he be put under the feet of Satan and his devils, who shall trample him down as the grapes are trampled when wine is made, and he shall be ever derided and scorned of devils. – pp301-304.
The Seven (7) deadly sins, besides the most deadly sin of: Pride, in the order of severity, from the worst to the least are:
Envy, Covetousness, Lust, Slothfulness, Gluttony, and Wrath. Each sin is punished accordingly, and it is all described in the God inspired Guide Book.
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