WARNING! ... Do Not Ignore— Jesus' True Words
Satan Started False Knowledge About Jesus
Worship of Jesus Is Idol Worship— Most Teaching Today About GOD and About Jesus Is In Error. |
Jesus Never Claimed to be GOD... or Son of GOD — In fact, he Rebuked those who called him GOD.
Jesus Was Completely Human. He depended on GOD — The FATHER... for all of his sustenance.
Jesus Depended On His Faith In GOD... For his Salvation — just as the other Prophets did.
The Spirit of Christ Came Into the Man, Jesus — in order, to Reveal GOD — The Savior, to the world.
Jesus Instructed His Followers... How to Become One, In GOD — just as, he Became One, in GOD.
The Prophet Muhammad — Reinforced Jesus' Message... — that Jesus was a Prophet and a Messenger.
All of These Topics... and More, Are Clarified In The GUIDE BOOK.
THIS IS NOT JESUS... This Is One of the Fabricated Images—About Jesus
The Gospel of Jesus Has Been Contaminated and distorted, from what Jesus said—and, in addition...
The Images of Jesus Have Been Distorted, to resemble the images of the Sumerian and Greek gods.
The Images That Depict Jesus as a European, or Caucasian man, Are False—and of Medieval origin.
This image is the same image that was used to portray the Greek god "Zeus" and the sun god "Helios".
After The Dark Ages Ended... a Revived and Revised Way of Viewing Jesus began to be spread...
Not only was there a False Trinity, but the Church had begun to call Jesus: "GOD".
The Church Invented many more False Concepts, and adopted many more Idols, surrounding Jesus.
The Powers of This World, which includes... the god of this world and his archangel (Satan), are the reason for this misleading theology concerning Jesus, the Christ.
As it will be shown clearer in the following information presented on this webpage, Jesus has plainly revealed in his message that he is not God and that he abhors our worshiping of him. Jesus even instructed his followers that he did not die on a cross.
A Few of the False Images... that Have Been Adopted, Surrounding Jesus, Are Shown Below.
False Worship Of GOD... & The Worship Of Jesus... Is 'Anti-Christ'
Christ Came To Save Mankind —by revealing man's purpose (through Jesus), by reiterating the Laws of GOD, and by reaffirming the worship of the One True God. Jesus, himself, does not wish to be worshiped – that is Abomination and Anti-Christ.
Jesus said:
"Cursed be everyone who shall insert into my sayings that I am the son of God.” - p. 266.
“‘Accordingly, brethren, I, a man, dust and clay, that walk upon the earth, say unto you: Do penance and know your sins. I say, brethren, that Satan, by means of the Roman soldiery, deceived you when ye said that I was God. Wherefore, beware that ye believe them not, seeing they are fallen under the curse of God, serving the false and lying gods...
‘All that I say for the knowledge of God and the service of God, for the knowledge of man and for the salvation of mankind—all this cometh forth from that book, which is my gospel.’” - p. 374.
“Then Jesus, having lifted his hand in token of silence, said: ‘Verily ye have erred greatly, O Israelites, in calling me, a man, your God. And I fear that God may for this give heavy plague upon the holy city, handing it over in servitude to strangers. O a thousand times accursed Satan, that hath moved you to this!" - p. 132.
"If our God willed not to show himself to Moses his servant, nor to Elijah whom he so loved, nor to any prophet, will ye think that God should show himself to this faithless generation? But know ye not that God hath created all things of nothing with one single word, and all men have had their origin out of a piece of clay? Now, how shall God have likeness to man? Woe to those who suffer themselves to be deceived of Satan!" - p. 52.
“Jesus said again: ‘I confess before heaven, and call to witness everything that dwelleth upon the earth, that I am a stranger to all that men have said of me, to wit, that I am more than man. For I am a man, born of a woman, subject to the judgment of God; that live here like as other men, subject to the common miseries. As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, thou hast greatly sinned, O priest, in saying what thou hast said.'" - p. 132.
The Scriptures say:
“Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:” - p. 413.
“God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” - p. 281.
The Prophet Muhammad Said:
“Christ the son of Mary was no more than an Apostle; many were the apostles that passed away before him. His mother was a woman of truth. They had both to eat their (daily) food. See how God doth make His Signs clear to them; yet see in what ways they are deluded away from the truth!” – QUR: V.75. - p. 374.
Because of the Miracles that were done by GOD through the hands of Jesus, the practice of worshiping Jesus, as a god, was started. It was first suggested to the Jews by the Roman soldiers, who worshiped any figure that demonstrated power. The Romans had many types of gods. - p. 383.
Calling Jesus: "God" and "Son of God", by the people of his day, is the "cup"... referred to in Matthew 26:39-42, by Jesus—wishing that he would not have to endure. Though Jesus despised this, he knew that it was in God's Will—that it must come to past, as a part of God's Plan. Jesus knew that in the End, the Truth would be made known about him, through God's Messenger—that Jesus was entirely, a mortal man.
“Jesus departed from Jerusalem after the Passover, and entered into the borders of Caesarea Philippi. Whereupon, the angel Gabriel having told him of the sedition which was beginning among the common people, he asked his disciples, saying: ‘What do men say of me?’
They said: ‘Some say that thou art Elijah, others Jeremiah, and others one of the old prophets.’
Jesus answered: ‘And ye; what say ye that I am?’
Peter answered: ‘Thou art Christ, son of God.’
Then was Jesus angry, and with anger rebuked him, saying: ‘Begone and depart from me, because thou art the devil and seekest to cause me offence!’
And he threatened the eleven, saying: ‘Woe to you if ye believe this, for I have won from God a great curse against those who believe this.’
And he was fain to cast away Peter; whereupon the eleven besought Jesus for him, who cast him not away, but again rebuked him, saying: ‘Beware that never again thou say such words, because God would reprobate thee!’
Peter wept, and said: ‘Lord, I have spoken foolishly: beseech God that he pardon me.’
Then said Jesus: ‘If our God willed not to show himself to Moses his servant, nor to Elijah whom he so loved, nor to any prophet, will ye think that God should show himself to this faithless generation? But know ye not that God hath created all things of nothing with one single word, and all men have had their origin out of a piece of clay? Now, how shall God have likeness to man? Woe to those who suffer themselves to be deceived of Satan!’
And having said this, Jesus besought God for Peter, the eleven and Peter weeping, and saying: ‘So be it, so be it, O blessed Lord our God.’
Afterwards Jesus departed and went into Galilee, in order that this vain opinion which the common folk began to hold concerning him might be extinguished.” – pp51-52.
Jesus Was of Hebrew Origin—the Hebrews were a mixed people, out of Egypt, with an African element... that is the way Jesus was depicted in ancient art. It was only after the Dark Ages ended that a revived and revised way of viewing Jesus began to be spread.
Jesus' Image Has Evolved from originally being depicted in early art, as a dark skinned, non-bearded individual—to being a light skinned individual, with European features. The later images of Jesus depict him bearded, and resembling the Greek and Roman gods... whereas, Jesus actually resembled an individual with more Asian/African features... and less Caucasian-like features.
The Images Below Depict More Realistic Pictures... of what Jesus was originally portrayed as, and could have looked like.
Jesus Was of Hebrew Origin—the Hebrews were a mixed people, out of Egypt, with an African element... that is the way Jesus was depicted in ancient art. It was only after the Dark Ages ended that a revived and revised way of viewing Jesus began to be spread.
Jesus' Image Has Evolved from originally being depicted in early art, as a dark skinned, non-bearded individual—to being a light skinned individual, with European features. The later images of Jesus depict him bearded, and resembling the Greek and Roman gods... whereas, Jesus actually resembled an individual with more Asian/African features... and less Caucasian-like features.
The Images Below Depict More Realistic Pictures... of what Jesus was originally portrayed as, and could have looked like.
After Jesus’ Enlightenment: meaning after he received the ‘Book’ from God, he became eligible to represent God as the Savior of mankind through the knowledge of God that he received from God. Jesus received this book as recorded by Barnabas:
“Jesus having become to the age of thirty years, as he himself said unto me, went up to Mount Olives with his mother to gather olives. Then at midday as he was praying, when he came to these words: ‘Lord, with mercy…’ he was surrounded by an exceeding bright light and by an infinite multitude of angels, who were saying: ‘Blessed be God.’ The angel Gabriel presented to him as it were a shinning mirror, a book, which descended into the heart of Jesus, in which he had knowledge of what God hath done and what hath said and what God willeth insomuch that everything was laid bare and open to him; as he said unto me: ‘Believe, Barnabas, that I know every prophet with every prophecy, insomuch that whatever I say the whole hath come forth from that book.’
Jesus, having received this vision, and knowing that he was a prophet sent to the house of Israel, revealed all to Mary his mother, telling her that he needs must suffer great persecution for the honour of God, and that he could not any longer abide with her to serve her. Whereupon, having heard this, Mary answered: ‘Son, ere thou wast born all was announced to me; wherefore blessed be the holy name of God.’ Jesus departed therefore that day from his mother to attend to his prophetic office.” – p117.
JESUS SPEAKS AS... The Christ... The Savior
After having received the ‘Book’ (of Knowledge) on Mount Olives and becoming ‘Enlightened’ Jesus said:
“He who Is, is ineffable (First Father). No sovereignty knew him, no authority, no subjection, nor did any creature from the foundation of the world until now, except himself, and anyone to whom he wills to make revelation through him who is from the First Light. From now on I am the great Savior.” – p123.
Jesus is able to speak in the first person, as the Father because he is in the Father and the Father is in him; he is One with the Father through Christ, who occupies the body of the man Jesus, as well as being One with the Father through his own faith as a man. Jesus, the Christ, is also One with the Assembly as It is One with the Father. It is the First Father Himself who is called the ‘Great Savior’. Jesus is only acting as an extension of the Father, because he possesses the Wisdom and the Righteousness that is in the Father, through Christ, who was sent from Heaven onto the earth, by the Father. The man, Jesus, never claims to be the ‘Savior’, as it is revealed later, by the words of Jesus.
Jesus Came, To Reveal GOD'S TRUTH... For Aiding Mankind's Deliverance From This World—Before it is annihilated.
In each period, before GOD brings about Destruction upon a population of people, He sends an Avatar (Christ) to the people.
Jesus Was GOD'S Prophet... He was sent as the ninth Avatar of Christ. Sent to The House of Israel, With a Universal Message—he observed Jewish laws and traditions. He worshiped the Father Only. His Message is still relevant to today's society. – p131.
Jesus Is Not Lord, Nor is he the Savior—and he never claimed to be. Those sayings were falsely added to his Message.
Jesus said: “As God liveth, I am not able to forgive sins, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth. But as servant of God I can beseech him for the sins of others: and so I have besought him for this sick man, and I am sure that God hath heard my prayer.” – p120.
“This is why I say to you, for your sakes I came down. You are the beloved; you are they who will be the cause of life in many. Invoke the Father, implore God often, and he will give to you. Blessed is he who has seen you with Him when He was proclaimed among the angels, and glorified among the saints; yours is life. Rejoice and be glad as sons of God. Keep his will that you may be saved; accept reproof from me and save yourselves. I intercede on your behalf with the Father, and he will forgive you much.” – p90.
Christ’s Role Was to Liberate Mankind, to loose man from the slavery imposed upon him by the powers of this world, by revealing to man the true Word of God; this made him ‘Savior’. Christ accomplished this task through occupying the body of Jesus, as a means to communicate this information. In this body, Jesus had power to beseech God for others in getting God to forgive sins, to heal the sick, and to do many other miracles. Again there is no reference in his message concerning redemption through the shedding of blood, as this is a concept created by the evil ones to keep man in bondage, to keep him from the Truth, which all men need in order to know God and to be saved. – p125.
Jesus' Message Is Now, So Distorted, in these present times, that the Time is Ripe for the Predicted Messiah to appear again.
Jesus said that the Messiah would possess the Spirit of GOD and that he would present a Universal Message... as Jesus did.
Jesus Foretold Of A Messiah... Called the Comforter—that would come after Jesus. That Messiah, or Messenger, would reinforce the Message of Jesus—since the Gospel of Jesus would be so distorted, during the Messenger's time.
Jesus prophesied the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, by name—that he would be a Messiah of GOD. – pp133-136.
Jesus Had Much to Say About His Mission. The revealed Guide Book contains more of Jesus' Message and of his Spoken Words than any other documentary on Jesus, as he revealed most of the Scriptures in this Book. Jesus’ words are supported by the Words of the other true Apostles and Prophets of God, whose words are also recorded in this GOD predicted Book (listed below).
Some call the latter, or final, Messenger: the Mahdi, and some call him: Kalkin. More is revealed about this Messenger, at the end of this page, and on web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
Jesus Came, To Reveal GOD'S TRUTH... For Aiding Mankind's Deliverance From This World—Before it is annihilated.
In each period, before GOD brings about Destruction upon a population of people, He sends an Avatar (Christ) to the people.
Jesus Was GOD'S Prophet... He was sent as the ninth Avatar of Christ. Sent to The House of Israel, With a Universal Message—he observed Jewish laws and traditions. He worshiped the Father Only. His Message is still relevant to today's society. – p131.
Jesus Is Not Lord, Nor is he the Savior—and he never claimed to be. Those sayings were falsely added to his Message.
Jesus said: “As God liveth, I am not able to forgive sins, nor is any man, but God alone forgiveth. But as servant of God I can beseech him for the sins of others: and so I have besought him for this sick man, and I am sure that God hath heard my prayer.” – p120.
“This is why I say to you, for your sakes I came down. You are the beloved; you are they who will be the cause of life in many. Invoke the Father, implore God often, and he will give to you. Blessed is he who has seen you with Him when He was proclaimed among the angels, and glorified among the saints; yours is life. Rejoice and be glad as sons of God. Keep his will that you may be saved; accept reproof from me and save yourselves. I intercede on your behalf with the Father, and he will forgive you much.” – p90.
Christ’s Role Was to Liberate Mankind, to loose man from the slavery imposed upon him by the powers of this world, by revealing to man the true Word of God; this made him ‘Savior’. Christ accomplished this task through occupying the body of Jesus, as a means to communicate this information. In this body, Jesus had power to beseech God for others in getting God to forgive sins, to heal the sick, and to do many other miracles. Again there is no reference in his message concerning redemption through the shedding of blood, as this is a concept created by the evil ones to keep man in bondage, to keep him from the Truth, which all men need in order to know God and to be saved. – p125.
Jesus' Message Is Now, So Distorted, in these present times, that the Time is Ripe for the Predicted Messiah to appear again.
Jesus said that the Messiah would possess the Spirit of GOD and that he would present a Universal Message... as Jesus did.
Jesus Foretold Of A Messiah... Called the Comforter—that would come after Jesus. That Messiah, or Messenger, would reinforce the Message of Jesus—since the Gospel of Jesus would be so distorted, during the Messenger's time.
Jesus prophesied the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, by name—that he would be a Messiah of GOD. – pp133-136.
Jesus Had Much to Say About His Mission. The revealed Guide Book contains more of Jesus' Message and of his Spoken Words than any other documentary on Jesus, as he revealed most of the Scriptures in this Book. Jesus’ words are supported by the Words of the other true Apostles and Prophets of God, whose words are also recorded in this GOD predicted Book (listed below).
Some call the latter, or final, Messenger: the Mahdi, and some call him: Kalkin. More is revealed about this Messenger, at the end of this page, and on web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
Jesus Was Not Crucified On The Cross... It Was Another Individual
There Was No Resurrection... and NO BLOOD Redemption— That Was Fabricated.
Judas Was The Man, on the wooden Cross— he was hanged for his betrayal of Jesus.
God made Judas to look like Jesus when the Roman soldiers came to take Jesus.
The Angels: Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel Delivered Jesus from Harm. – pp141-151.
Satan Is The One, behind the fabricated idea that Jesus died on a cross. But moreover, he is the one behind the false concept that Jesus died for the sins of mankind—this is to deceive and to mislead men. – pp138-141.
Jesus's disciple — Barnabas... recorded the following message from Jesus... before Jesus departed:
“Jesus replied, embracing his mother: ‘Believe me, mother, for verily I say to thee that I have not been dead at all; for God hath reserved me till near the end of the world.’ And having said this he prayed the four angels that they would manifest themselves, and give testimony how the matter had passed." – p152.
“And he reproved many who believed him to have died and risen again, saying: ‘Do ye then hold me and God for liars? For God hath granted to me to live almost unto the end of the world, even as I said unto you. Verily I say unto you, I died not, but Judas the traitor. Beware, for Satan will make every effort to deceive you, but be ye my witnesses in all Israel, and throughout the world, of all things that ye have heard and seen.’” - p. 202.
More on this subject, of: Jesus living until nearly the end of the world, is revealed at the end of this page...
JESUS' CROSS IS... THE WORD OF GOD—we are Commanded to take up Jesus' Cross— Which is TRUTH.
Jesus said:
“Verily I say unto you, none will be saved unless they believe in my cross. But those who have believed in my cross, theirs is the kingdom of God. Therefore become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life, for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you examine death, it will teach you election. Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the kingdom of death belongs to those who put themselves to death. Become better than I; make yourselves like the son of the Holy Spirit!”
“John, for the people below in Jerusalem I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds and given vinegar and gall to drink. But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak. I put into your mind to come up to this mountain so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his teacher and a man from God.”
“John, there must be one man to hear these things from me; for I need one who is ready to hear. This Cross of Light is sometimes called Logos by me for your sakes, sometimes mind, sometimes Jesus, sometimes Christ, sometimes a door, sometimes way, sometimes bread, sometimes seed, sometimes resurrection, sometimes Son, sometimes Father, sometimes Spirit, sometimes life, sometimes truth, sometimes faith, sometimes grace; and so it is called for men’s sake."
“This cross then is that which has united all things by the word and which has separated off what is transitory and inferior, which has also compacted all things into one. But this is not that wooden Cross which you shall see when you go down from here; nor am I the man who is on the Cross, I whom now you do not see but only hear my voice. I was taken to be what I am not, I who am not what for many others I was; but what they will say of me is mean and unworthy of me. Since then the place of my rest is neither to be seen nor told…” – p116.
“So then I have suffered none of those thing which they will say of me; even that suffering which I showed to you and to the rest in my dance, I will that it be called a mystery.” – p117.
There Was No Resurrection... and NO BLOOD Redemption— That Was Fabricated.
Judas Was The Man, on the wooden Cross— he was hanged for his betrayal of Jesus.
God made Judas to look like Jesus when the Roman soldiers came to take Jesus.
The Angels: Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel Delivered Jesus from Harm. – pp141-151.
Satan Is The One, behind the fabricated idea that Jesus died on a cross. But moreover, he is the one behind the false concept that Jesus died for the sins of mankind—this is to deceive and to mislead men. – pp138-141.
Jesus's disciple — Barnabas... recorded the following message from Jesus... before Jesus departed:
“Jesus replied, embracing his mother: ‘Believe me, mother, for verily I say to thee that I have not been dead at all; for God hath reserved me till near the end of the world.’ And having said this he prayed the four angels that they would manifest themselves, and give testimony how the matter had passed." – p152.
“And he reproved many who believed him to have died and risen again, saying: ‘Do ye then hold me and God for liars? For God hath granted to me to live almost unto the end of the world, even as I said unto you. Verily I say unto you, I died not, but Judas the traitor. Beware, for Satan will make every effort to deceive you, but be ye my witnesses in all Israel, and throughout the world, of all things that ye have heard and seen.’” - p. 202.
More on this subject, of: Jesus living until nearly the end of the world, is revealed at the end of this page...
JESUS' CROSS IS... THE WORD OF GOD—we are Commanded to take up Jesus' Cross— Which is TRUTH.
Jesus said:
“Verily I say unto you, none will be saved unless they believe in my cross. But those who have believed in my cross, theirs is the kingdom of God. Therefore become seekers for death, like the dead who seek for life, for that which they seek is revealed to them. And what is there to trouble them? As for you, when you examine death, it will teach you election. Verily I say unto you, none of those who fear death will be saved; for the kingdom of death belongs to those who put themselves to death. Become better than I; make yourselves like the son of the Holy Spirit!”
“John, for the people below in Jerusalem I am being crucified and pierced with lances and reeds and given vinegar and gall to drink. But to you I am speaking, and listen to what I speak. I put into your mind to come up to this mountain so that you may hear what a disciple should learn from his teacher and a man from God.”
“John, there must be one man to hear these things from me; for I need one who is ready to hear. This Cross of Light is sometimes called Logos by me for your sakes, sometimes mind, sometimes Jesus, sometimes Christ, sometimes a door, sometimes way, sometimes bread, sometimes seed, sometimes resurrection, sometimes Son, sometimes Father, sometimes Spirit, sometimes life, sometimes truth, sometimes faith, sometimes grace; and so it is called for men’s sake."
“This cross then is that which has united all things by the word and which has separated off what is transitory and inferior, which has also compacted all things into one. But this is not that wooden Cross which you shall see when you go down from here; nor am I the man who is on the Cross, I whom now you do not see but only hear my voice. I was taken to be what I am not, I who am not what for many others I was; but what they will say of me is mean and unworthy of me. Since then the place of my rest is neither to be seen nor told…” – p116.
“So then I have suffered none of those thing which they will say of me; even that suffering which I showed to you and to the rest in my dance, I will that it be called a mystery.” – p117.
False Tales About the Resurrection of Jesus, by the false disciples, who stole the body of Judas from the tomb, was the first of many atrocities concerning the false crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus. – p146.
The Mixing of the Tales of Other Gods from the cultures of the surrounding pagans, infiltrated the so-called Christian beliefs, which produced many variations about the prophet-hood and the teachings of Jesus. The traits of early Greek, Roman, and even, Egyptian gods, began to be attributed to the man, Jesus—just as it had been done in ancient times to the man Marduk. – p372.
The Term: Christian, was used in ridicule of the individuals who believed the words of Jesus, or of those who were following many of the teachings of Jesus. The term: Christianity, never did refer to a unified body of people, with one belief system—and it still does not.
The Mixing of the Tales of Other Gods from the cultures of the surrounding pagans, infiltrated the so-called Christian beliefs, which produced many variations about the prophet-hood and the teachings of Jesus. The traits of early Greek, Roman, and even, Egyptian gods, began to be attributed to the man, Jesus—just as it had been done in ancient times to the man Marduk. – p372.
The Term: Christian, was used in ridicule of the individuals who believed the words of Jesus, or of those who were following many of the teachings of Jesus. The term: Christianity, never did refer to a unified body of people, with one belief system—and it still does not.
Jesus and His Gospel Were Banned in Israel, by the Roman government. Anyone who recognized Jesus as a Prophet, or who acknowledged his Gospel were punished or put to death. This is partially why he was not accepted by many Jews... for fear of persecution. The Pharisees lead this effort – p384.
Jesus Told People that He Was Not the Messiah that they expected, which is another reason that Jesus was not accepted by the Jews, or the gentiles. Jesus revealed that the promised Messiah would come after him, and be of the lineage of Ishmael... and that he would come because of the distortion that would later occur in Jesus' gospel. – pp133-136.
Paul was the Author of a false gospel about Jesus. Those who followed Jesus were called Nazarene—not Christian. Jesus did not start a new religion or new Church—nor is there any gentile, or Christian inheritance in place of Jewish believers. GOD's Covenant with the Jewish People is for Always.
Paul preached his own agenda—as he admits. He Never Even Knew Jesus. This has lead to much contradiction about the True Gospel of Jesus. The new gospel that Paul began to preach lead to disagreements between Paul and Barnabas; and they parted company. – p386.
Paul's gospel was of the Devil... it deified Jesus, against GOD's Word. Even though Paul had stopped persecuting Christians, he was now, misleading them. Paul's gospel was of the Anti-Christ. – pp385-389.
More about Paul is explained by the messenger, who is called: the Mahdi, in Islam, on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
Paul was the Author of a false gospel about Jesus. Those who followed Jesus were called Nazarene—not Christian. Jesus did not start a new religion or new Church—nor is there any gentile, or Christian inheritance in place of Jewish believers. GOD's Covenant with the Jewish People is for Always.
Paul preached his own agenda—as he admits. He Never Even Knew Jesus. This has lead to much contradiction about the True Gospel of Jesus. The new gospel that Paul began to preach lead to disagreements between Paul and Barnabas; and they parted company. – p386.
Paul's gospel was of the Devil... it deified Jesus, against GOD's Word. Even though Paul had stopped persecuting Christians, he was now, misleading them. Paul's gospel was of the Anti-Christ. – pp385-389.
More about Paul is explained by the messenger, who is called: the Mahdi, in Islam, on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
The practices of the Church, before and during the Dark Ages, in destroying and modifying True gospel accounts... further helped alienate Christianity from the Truth of GOD. Before the Dark Ages, the official church of the Roman Empire adopted a religious standard that incorporated a modified version of Paul's beliefs, as its basis. This new type of belief system included a false doctrine of a Trinity.
After The Dark Ages Ended... the Church had begun to call Jesus: "GOD" and to also view him as LORD. He was viewed totally different from the way he was viewed before the Dark Ages began—and Knowledge was removed from society. This new type of belief system included a false doctrine of a Redemption by the death of Jesus. The Church had total control of the knowledge that it wanted to be spread, concerning God, during this darkened cultural period... but they did not have control of all Knowledge. – p378.
Modern Day Christianity Is Contaminated... with the misconceptions about God and Jesus that were brought forth from ancient and medieval times. Among the surviving earlier contaminated doctrines... Paul's false gospel still prevails in Christian theology.
New False Concepts, about the deity of Jesus have been injected into Christian theology by modern-day leaders. Though Paul's gospels wrongfully deify Jesus, modern-day leaders take it to a higher level, by calling Jesus their 'everything'; and by even attributing all of Creation to the man, Jesus. That is a Grave Mistake, as Jesus constantly called upon his GOD, which Is The Father.
Jesus Told The Jewish People that the Messiah would again reveal Jesus' Message, which would be lost after Jesus' departure from the world. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) revealed this Truth about Jesus, as he reemphasized that there is but One True God, and that Jesus is His Apostle and Messenger.
GOD Always Gets His Message To The Population, Before He Brings Destruction Upon them... As He Is About to do.
Jesus told his disciples to write down what they had seen, in order to preserve his Gospel; because Satan would use people like Paul, and other evangelists to perpetuate falseness about him. Jesus said that his Truth would be revealed again in the latter days.
CHRISTIANS... Don't Persecute Others, Who Believe In GOD... You Only Harm Yourselves, When You Do!
New False Concepts, about the deity of Jesus have been injected into Christian theology by modern-day leaders. Though Paul's gospels wrongfully deify Jesus, modern-day leaders take it to a higher level, by calling Jesus their 'everything'; and by even attributing all of Creation to the man, Jesus. That is a Grave Mistake, as Jesus constantly called upon his GOD, which Is The Father.
Jesus Told The Jewish People that the Messiah would again reveal Jesus' Message, which would be lost after Jesus' departure from the world. The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) revealed this Truth about Jesus, as he reemphasized that there is but One True God, and that Jesus is His Apostle and Messenger.
GOD Always Gets His Message To The Population, Before He Brings Destruction Upon them... As He Is About to do.
Jesus told his disciples to write down what they had seen, in order to preserve his Gospel; because Satan would use people like Paul, and other evangelists to perpetuate falseness about him. Jesus said that his Truth would be revealed again in the latter days.
CHRISTIANS... Don't Persecute Others, Who Believe In GOD... You Only Harm Yourselves, When You Do!
Select: Book Title (Above) for Information
Jesus' Words... Have Been Documented In This God Inspired Guide Book.
JESUS' TRUE GOSPEL LIVES ON... in spite of the great contamination of his Words.
His Gospel was Recorded and Preserved by his true followers.
For Contents, Select this Link: BOOK CONTENTS
Jesus' Words... Have Been Documented In This God Inspired Guide Book.
JESUS' TRUE GOSPEL LIVES ON... in spite of the great contamination of his Words.
His Gospel was Recorded and Preserved by his true followers.
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JESUS' LAST SUPPER WORDS CONCERNING MARY MAGDALEN — JESUS' COMPANION “Simon Peter said to them, ‘Let Mary leave us, for women are not worthy of life.’ Jesus said: ‘I myself shall lead her in order to make her male. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the kingdom of Heaven.’” – p245. THERE WAS... NO BLOOD COMMUNION
Jesus said: “And as long as I am with you, give heed to me and obey me; but when I depart from you, remember me. And remember me because I was with you and you did not know me. Blessed will they be who have known me; woe to those who have heard and have not believed. Blessed will they be who have not seen yet have believed.” – p125. |
Jesus said:
“For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father which sent me, he gave me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak.” – John 12:49.
“Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? The words that I speak unto you I speak not of myself: but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works.” – John 14:10. – p50.
“He that loveth me not keepeth not my sayings: and the word which ye hear is not mine, but the Father's which sent me.” – John 14:24.
“Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” – John 15:3. – p220.
“I have glorified thee on the earth: I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.” – John 17:4.
“I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.” – John 17:14.
“Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth.” – John 17:17. – p120.
After Jesus Departed... His Words Were Distorted:
“After Jesus had departed, the disciples scattered through the different parts of Israel and of the world, and the truth, hated, of Satan, was persecuted, as it always is, by falsehood. For certain evil men, pretending to be disciples, preached that Jesus died and rose not again. Others preached that he really died, but rose again. Others preached, and yet preach, that Jesus is the Son of God, among whom is Paul deceived. But we, as much as I have written, that preach we to those who fear God, that they may be saved in the last day of God’s Judgment…Amen.” – p203.
"Wherefore Jesus prayed God that he would give him power to see his mother and his disciples. Then the merciful God commanded his four favorite angels, who are Gabriel, Michael, Rafael, and Uriel, to bear Jesus into his mother’s house, and there keep watch over him for three days continually, suffering him only to be seen by them that believed in his doctrine.
'Jesus came, surrounded with splendour, to the room where abode Mary the Virgin with her two sisters, and Martha and Mary Magdalen and Lazarus, and him who writeth, and John and James and Peter. Whereupon, through fear they fell as dead. And Jesus lifted up his mother and the others from the ground, saying: ‘Fear not, for I am Jesus; and weep not for I am alive and not dead.’...
“Jesus replied, embracing his mother: ‘Believe me, mother, for verily I say to thee that I have not been dead at all; for God hath reserved me till near the end of the world.’ And having said this he prayed the four angels that they would manifest themselves, and give testimony how the matter had passed." – p152.
"And though I have been innocent in the world, since men have called me “God,” and “Son of God,” God, in order that I be not mocked of the demons on the day of Judgment, hath willed that I be mocked of men in this world by the death of Judas, making all men to believe that I died upon the cross. And this mocking shall continue until the advent of Mohammed, the messenger of God, who, when he shall come, shall reveal this deception to those who believe in God’s law.
Having thus spoken, Jesus said: ‘Thou art just, O Lord our God, because to thee only belongeth honour and glory without end."
“And Jesus turned himself to him who writeth, and said: ‘See, Barnabas, that by all means thou write my gospel concerning all that hath happened through my dwelling in the world. And write in like manner that which hath befallen Judas, in order that the faithful may be undeceived, and every one may believe the truth.’ – p202.
“For what you are, that I have shown you, as you see; but what I am is known to me alone, and no one else. Let me have what is mine; what is yours you must see through me; but me you must see truly—not that which I am, as I said, but that which you, as my kinsman are able to know. You hear that I suffered, yet I suffered not and that I suffered not, yet I did suffer; that I was pierced, yet I was not wounded; that I was hanged, yet I was not hanged; that blood flowed from me, yet it did not flow, and, in a word, that what they say of me, I did not endure, but what they do not say, those things I did suffer. Now what these are, I secretly show you; for I know that you will understand. You must know me, then, as the torment of the Logos (Word), the piercing of the Logos, the blood of the Logos, the wounding of the Logos, the fastening of the Logos, the death of the Logos. And so I speak, discarding the manhood. The first then that you must know is the Logos; then you shall know the Lord; and thirdly the man, and what he has suffered.” – p90.
Jesus Said That... The Prophets of Old, Desired to Know... The Things That He Taught His Disciples
“For verily I say unto you, That many prophets and righteous men have desired to see those things which ye see, and have not seen them; and to hear those things which ye hear, and have not heard them.” – p435.
Jesus Said:
“God hath mercy on everyone that worketh righteously, making no difference between Jew, Scythian, Greek, or Ishmaelite.” – p343.
“Think ye that I am come to destroy the law and the prophets? Verily I say unto you, as God liveth, I am not come to destroy it, but rather to observe it. For every prophet hath observed the law of God and all that God by the other prophets hath spoken. As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, no one that breaketh one least precept can be pleasing to God, but shall be least in the kingdom of God, for he shall have no part there. Moreover I say unto you, that one syllable of the law of God cannot be broken without the gravest sin. But I do you to wit that it is necessary to observe that which God saith by Isaiah the prophet, with these words: ‘Wash you and be clean, take away your thoughts from mine eyes.’” – p431.
The Prophet Muhammad Said:
“And your God is One God: there is no God but He, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.” – QUR: II.163.
“Call upon God or call upon Rahman: by whatever name ye call upon Him, (it is well): for to Him belong The Most Beautiful Names….”– QUR: XVII.110.
“The same religion has He established for you as that which he enjoined on Noah—the which We have sent by inspiration to thee—and that which We enjoined on Abraham, Moses and Jesus: namely, that you should remain steadfast in Religion, and make no divisions therein.” – QUR: XLII.13. – p327.
"The same saving Word that was revealed by Krishna is the same Truth that was received by The Buddha, which is the same Word that Jesus taught, which is the same Truth that was revealed by Muhammad; this is the same Word of God which existed before the foundation of the present world.
The Word revealed by Krishna, which brings about the state of ‘Brahman’, is the same Truth that was revealed by The Buddha, which brings about ‘Enlightenment’. That is the same Word that Jesus taught, which brings about the state of being ‘Born Again’; also this same message, which brings about the condition of being ‘Saved’, was reinforced by the Messenger of God: the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)." – p431.
The Word revealed by Krishna, which brings about the state of ‘Brahman’, is the same Truth that was revealed by The Buddha, which brings about ‘Enlightenment’. That is the same Word that Jesus taught, which brings about the state of being ‘Born Again’; also this same message, which brings about the condition of being ‘Saved’, was reinforced by the Messenger of God: the prophet Muhammad (PBUH)." – p431.
“You have a choice to follow the Law of the prophets, which prophesied the last Day, which is the same Law that Jesus came to observe, which is the same Law that the prophet Muhammad (the Messiah) came to reiterate, which is the same Law of God that has forever been; or, you can continue to follow a new doctrine, which Paul propagated, which promotes transgression of the Law, which in turn is to sin. The truth of Jesus is now known, he came to again show the True God to mankind, so that we might be ready for that Day which is surely to come, it is inevitable, and it shall come quickly. With all Truth there is the adversary, and Paul, who was a persecutor of the followers of Jesus, has been used by Satan (the adversary) to distort the True Gospel of Jesus; with the intent of misleading ignorant souls, hindering them from the True promises of God (Paradise), and causing them to inherit the torments of everlasting hell.” – p433.
Jesus said:
“Jesus answered: ‘As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, I am not the Messiah whom all the tribes of the earth expect, even as God promised to our father Abraham, saying: “In thy seed will I bless all the tribes of the earth.” But when God shall take me away from the world, Satan will raise again this accursed sedition, by making the impious believe that I am God and son of God, whence my words and my doctrine shall be contaminated, insomuch that scarcely shall there remain thirty faithful ones; whereupon God will have mercy upon the world, and will send his messenger for whom he hath made all things; who shall come from the south with power, and shall destroy the idols with the idolaters; who shall take away the dominion from Satan which he hath over men. He shall bring with him the mercy of God for salvation of them that shall believe in him, and blessed is he who shall believe his words.’”
– p135.
“I am come forth from the Father, and am come into the world; again, I leave the world, and go to the Father.” – p34.
“…this is my confession which I shall bear before the judgment-seat of God on the Day of Judgment. For all that is written in the book of Moses is most true, inasmuch as God our creator is God alone, and I am God’s servant and desire to serve God’s messenger whom ye call Messiah.”
“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me:”
“…See that thou never again keep back the truth, because in the faith of the Messiah God shall give salvation to men, and without it shall none be saved.” – p135.
The Messiah (Prophet Muhammad) said:
“From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a Covenant, but they forgot a good part of the Message that was sent them: so We estranged them with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the Day of Judgment. And soon will God show them what it is they have done.” – QUR: V.14. – p359.
“That they said in (boast), ‘We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God.’ But they killed him not: —.” – QUR: IV.157.
“Nay, God raised him up unto Himself: and God is exalted in Power, Wise; —.” – QUR: IV.158.
“And there is none of the People of the Book but must believe in him before his death; and on the Day of Judgment he will be a witness against them; —.” – QUR: IV.159. – pp152-153.
More On The Subject of Jesus and Messiah Is Below... Under the Heading: MESSIAH IS HERE... SO ARE... TWO WITNESSES
“The Islam that is seen by most people today is not the same Islam that inspired Muhammad (PBUH) nor is it the same Islam that he taught. The actions of many who are called Muslims today, do not agree with Muhammad’s God given message, as expressed in the Qur’an. This scenario is similar to the fact that most Christians do not follow Christ’s teachings (due to lack of knowledge).” – p350.
The form of Islam that is seen in the world today is heavily influenced by the adversaries to the Prophet Mohammad. These contradictions to the Message and to the ways of the Prophet were started during the time of the Prophet... and have continued to escalate into the atrocities that are happening, today, in the name of Islam. More is explained in the Guide Book. – pp353-354.
Concerning Religion... The Prophet Muhammad said:
“Those who believe (in the Qur’an), and those who follow the Jewish (scriptures), and the Christians and the Sabians, and who believe in God and the Last Day, and work righteousness, shall have their reward with their Lord: on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve.” – QUR: II.62. – p350.
“Say: ‘People of the Book! Come to common terms as between us and you: that we worship none but God; that we associate no partners with Him: that we erect not, from among ourselves, lords and patrons other than God.’ If then they turn back, say ye: ‘Bear witness that we (at least) are Muslims (bowing to God’s Will).’” – QUR: III.64. – p349.
“Say ye: ‘We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from the Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to God (in Islam).’” – QUR: II.136.
“(Our religion is) the Baptism of God: and who can baptize better than God? And it is He whom we worship.” – QUR: II.138. – p351.
(Concerning the Mahdi) “And (Jesus) shall be a Sign (for the coming of) the Hour (of Judgment): therefore have no doubt about the (Hour), but follow ye Me: this is a Straight Way” – QUR: XLIII. 61. – p353.
More On This Subject of Messiah or Mahdi Is Below... Under the Heading: MESSIAH IS HERE... SO ARE... TWO WITNESSES
Though both the Ishmaelites and the House of Israel were given rights to the same Canaan land, the inheritance to the land of Israel was given to the House of Israel (by God), because of the atrocities that the Jewish people suffered by the hands of their captors and persecutors. Restoration of their Faith and of their land was granted to them, as prophesied in the Scriptures...
The commandment is for Israel’s non-Jewish occupants to live in peace in the land that belongs to the Jews. They are to be treated as normal citizens in the land and they are to be under Jewish protection. – p355.
More about this subject is explained by the messenger, whom you call: the Mahdi (Mehdi), on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
The Prophet Muhammad Revealed About Israel:
“And We made a people, considered weak (and of no account), inheritors of the lands in both east and west, — lands whereon We sent down Our blessings. The fair promise of thy Lord was fulfilled for the Children of Israel, because they had patience and constancy, and We leveled to the ground the great works and fine buildings which Pharaoh and his people erected (with such pride).” – QUR VII.137. – p357.
The Prophet Muhammad Was: ... Against Jihad... As He Said:
“And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became bretheren; and ye were on the brink of the Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does God make His signs clear to you: that ye may be guided.” – QUR: III.103. – p357.
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: they are the ones to attain felicity.” – QUR: III.104.
“Not all of them are alike: of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.” – QUR: III.113.
“They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in all good works: they are in the ranks of the righteous.” – QUR: III.114.
“Of the good they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for God knoweth well those that do right.” – QUR: III.115. – p358.
“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, ‘We are Christians’: because among these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” – QUR: V.82.
“And when they listen to the revelation received by the Apostle, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: ‘Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses.’” – QUR: V.83.
“‘What cause can we have not to believe in God and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?’” – QUR: V.84.
“Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied: they are the ones that believe therein: those who reject faith therein, — the lost is their own.” – QUR: II.121.
“And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: they will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.” – QUR: III.199. – p359.
Jesus said:
“…As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, a sinner is of infirm mind when he persecuteth a man. For tell me, is there anyone who would break his head for the sake of tearing the cloak of his enemy? Now how can he be of sane mind who separateth himself from God, the head of his soul, in order that he may injure the body of his enemy?” – p168.
MUSLIMS... Don't Persecute Others, Who Believe In GOD... YOU ONLY HARM YOURSELVES, When You Do!
“And hold fast, all together, by the Rope which God (stretches out for you), and be not divided among yourselves; and remember with gratitude God’s favor on you; for ye were enemies and He joined your hearts in love, so that by His Grace, ye became bretheren; and ye were on the brink of the Pit of Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does God make His signs clear to you: that ye may be guided.” – QUR: III.103. – p357.
“Let there arise out of you a band of people inviting to all that is good, enjoining what is right, and forbidding what is wrong: they are the ones to attain felicity.” – QUR: III.104.
“Not all of them are alike: of the People of the Book are a portion that stand (for the right); they rehearse the Signs of God all night long, and they prostrate themselves in adoration.” – QUR: III.113.
“They believe in God and the Last Day; they enjoin what is right, and forbid what is wrong; and they hasten (in emulation) in all good works: they are in the ranks of the righteous.” – QUR: III.114.
“Of the good they do, nothing will be rejected of them; for God knoweth well those that do right.” – QUR: III.115. – p358.
“Strongest among men in enmity to the Believers wilt thou find the Jews and Pagans; and nearest among them in love to the believers wilt thou find those who say, ‘We are Christians’: because among these are men devoted to learning and men who have renounced the world, and they are not arrogant.” – QUR: V.82.
“And when they listen to the revelation received by the Apostle, thou wilt see their eyes overflowing with tears, for they recognize the truth: they pray: ‘Our Lord! We believe; write us down among the witnesses.’” – QUR: V.83.
“‘What cause can we have not to believe in God and the truth which has come to us, seeing that we long for our Lord to admit us to the company of the righteous?’” – QUR: V.84.
“Those to whom We have sent the Book study it as it should be studied: they are the ones that believe therein: those who reject faith therein, — the lost is their own.” – QUR: II.121.
“And there are, certainly, among the People of the Book, those who believe in God, in the revelation to you, and in the revelation to them, bowing in humility to God: they will not sell the Signs of God for a miserable gain! For them is a reward with their Lord, and God is swift in account.” – QUR: III.199. – p359.
Jesus said:
“…As God liveth, in whose presence my soul standeth, a sinner is of infirm mind when he persecuteth a man. For tell me, is there anyone who would break his head for the sake of tearing the cloak of his enemy? Now how can he be of sane mind who separateth himself from God, the head of his soul, in order that he may injure the body of his enemy?” – p168.
MUSLIMS... Don't Persecute Others, Who Believe In GOD... YOU ONLY HARM YOURSELVES, When You Do!
Jesus Was Sent As Your Prophet
Jesus was sent to the House of Israel, with God’s Message, but he revealed that there will be sent after him, a universal Prophet, sent to the whole world. This Prophet will reaffirm God’s Message (the same Message that Jesus brought), as Jesus said:
Concerning the future messenger (Mahdi), Jesus said:
“I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation; but after me shall come the messiah, sent of God to all the world; for whom God hath made the world.” – p343.
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” – John 16:13.
“He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” – John 16:14. – p136.
Jesus Announced The Messiah
“James answered: ‘O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say “in Isaac,” and the Ishmaelites say “in Ishmael.”’
Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?’
James answered: ‘Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’
Then said Jesus: ‘And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:’
The disciples answered: ‘Of David.’
Whereupon Jesus said: ‘Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: “God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.’” – p246.
“He is Mohammed, messenger of God, and when he cometh into the world, even as the rain maketh the earth to bear fruit when for a long time it hath not rained, even so shall he be occasion of good works among men, through the abundant mercy which he shall bring. For he is a white cloud full of the mercy of God, which mercy God shall sprinkle upon the faithful like rain.” – p344.
Jesus and His Gospel... Were Banned...
by the hierarchy of the Roman government, which in turn deprived the Jews of God’s Message as delivered by Jesus. Jesus knew that his Message would be nullified by the people of his day; which is why he foretold the coming of the Messiah (Comforter, Counselor, holy Spirit), who would again reveal God’s Message. More details on Jesus’ message are revealed in chapter 6. – p343.
Barnabas wrote:
“Thereupon was held a general council against Jesus, forasmuch as the decree of the Romans made them afraid. For so it was that twice the Roman Senate had sent a decree concerning Jesus: in one decree it was forbidden, on pain of death, that any one should call Jesus of Nazareth, the prophet of the Jews, either God or Son of God; in the other it forbade, under capital sentence, that any one should contend concerning Jesus of Nazareth, prophet of the Jews. Wherefore, for this cause, there was a great division among them." – p385.
The Messiah Has Already Come
This promised Messiah (the Prophet Mohammed) revealed the Qur’an, which is a Guide to mankind, sent from God. It is a blessing delivered by Abraham’s seed— thy brother, as promised. Moses wrote: "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” – Deut. 18:18. – p344.
The Prophet Muhammad said, concerning Jesus:
“And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: ‘O children of Israel! I am the apostle of God (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of an Apostle to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.’ But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, ‘This is evident sorcery!’” – QUR: LXI.6.
“Those who follow the Apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures)—for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); he releases them from their heavy burdens and from their yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, and follow the Light which is sent down with him.” – QUR: VII.157. – p345.
The Messiah Will Be Revived... In The Last Days
The Universal Message of this prophesied Messiah and of Jesus, was foretold to again be revived and be made available to the world—in the Last Days. This will not be a physical return of the man, Jesus; but it will be the return of a messenger, and of God's Knowledge. Some refer to this messenger as: the Mahdi and some as: Kalkin.
Jesus said: "I shall return towards the end, and with me shall come Enoch and Elijah, and we will testify against the wicked, whose end shall be accursed." – p261.
More On This Subject of Messiah or Mahdi Is Below... Under the Heading: MESSIAH IS HERE... SO ARE... TWO WITNESSES
and on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE, under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN
Jesus Was Sent As Your Prophet
Jesus was sent to the House of Israel, with God’s Message, but he revealed that there will be sent after him, a universal Prophet, sent to the whole world. This Prophet will reaffirm God’s Message (the same Message that Jesus brought), as Jesus said:
Concerning the future messenger (Mahdi), Jesus said:
“I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation; but after me shall come the messiah, sent of God to all the world; for whom God hath made the world.” – p343.
“Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.” – John 16:13.
“He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you.” – John 16:14. – p136.
Jesus Announced The Messiah
“James answered: ‘O master, tell us in whom this promise was made; for the Jews say “in Isaac,” and the Ishmaelites say “in Ishmael.”’
Jesus answered: ‘David, whose son was he, and of what lineage?’
James answered: ‘Of Isaac; for Isaac was father of Jacob and Jacob was father of Judah, of whose lineage is David.’
Then said Jesus: ‘And the messenger of God when he shall come, of what lineage will he be:’
The disciples answered: ‘Of David.’
Whereupon Jesus said: ‘Ye deceive yourselves; for David in spirit calleth him lord, saying thus: “God said to my lord, sit thou on my right hand until I make thine enemies thy footstool. God shall send forth thy rod which shall have lordship in the midst of thine enemies? If the messenger of God whom ye call Messiah were son of David, how should David call him lord? Believe me, for verily I say to you, that the promise was made in Ishmael, not in Isaac.’” – p246.
“He is Mohammed, messenger of God, and when he cometh into the world, even as the rain maketh the earth to bear fruit when for a long time it hath not rained, even so shall he be occasion of good works among men, through the abundant mercy which he shall bring. For he is a white cloud full of the mercy of God, which mercy God shall sprinkle upon the faithful like rain.” – p344.
Jesus and His Gospel... Were Banned...
by the hierarchy of the Roman government, which in turn deprived the Jews of God’s Message as delivered by Jesus. Jesus knew that his Message would be nullified by the people of his day; which is why he foretold the coming of the Messiah (Comforter, Counselor, holy Spirit), who would again reveal God’s Message. More details on Jesus’ message are revealed in chapter 6. – p343.
Barnabas wrote:
“Thereupon was held a general council against Jesus, forasmuch as the decree of the Romans made them afraid. For so it was that twice the Roman Senate had sent a decree concerning Jesus: in one decree it was forbidden, on pain of death, that any one should call Jesus of Nazareth, the prophet of the Jews, either God or Son of God; in the other it forbade, under capital sentence, that any one should contend concerning Jesus of Nazareth, prophet of the Jews. Wherefore, for this cause, there was a great division among them." – p385.
The Messiah Has Already Come
This promised Messiah (the Prophet Mohammed) revealed the Qur’an, which is a Guide to mankind, sent from God. It is a blessing delivered by Abraham’s seed— thy brother, as promised. Moses wrote: "I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.” – Deut. 18:18. – p344.
The Prophet Muhammad said, concerning Jesus:
“And remember, Jesus, the son of Mary, said: ‘O children of Israel! I am the apostle of God (sent) to you, confirming the Law (which came) before me, and giving glad tidings of an Apostle to come after me, whose name shall be Ahmad.’ But when he came to them with clear signs, they said, ‘This is evident sorcery!’” – QUR: LXI.6.
“Those who follow the Apostle, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find mentioned in their own (Scriptures)—for he commands them what is just and forbids them what is evil; he allows them as lawful what is good (and pure) and prohibits them from what is bad (and impure); he releases them from their heavy burdens and from their yokes that are upon them. So it is those who believe in him, and follow the Light which is sent down with him.” – QUR: VII.157. – p345.
The Messiah Will Be Revived... In The Last Days
The Universal Message of this prophesied Messiah and of Jesus, was foretold to again be revived and be made available to the world—in the Last Days. This will not be a physical return of the man, Jesus; but it will be the return of a messenger, and of God's Knowledge. Some refer to this messenger as: the Mahdi and some as: Kalkin.
Jesus said: "I shall return towards the end, and with me shall come Enoch and Elijah, and we will testify against the wicked, whose end shall be accursed." – p261.
More On This Subject of Messiah or Mahdi Is Below... Under the Heading: MESSIAH IS HERE... SO ARE... TWO WITNESSES
and on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE, under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN
Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, and Muhammad were all sent with a Universal Message from God. It does not matter what your religion is, the revelations and the Judgments that they revealed are for all people. God is not a respecter of religion. With God there is but One religion, and that is to totally submit to Him in Truth…(which is the definition of Islam). This is all explained in the Guide Book.
The spirit of Kalkin, that is prophesied in Hindu philosophy, as the tenth and last avatar, is here.
It is present in the Guide Book —in the Words of Jesus, Krishna, Muhammad, and the prophets.
This spirit of Kalkin, is explained by the messenger—whom the Jews call: Messiah, and whom the Muslims call: the Mahdi, while the Christians call it: Jesus.
All of the true Believers of God are of One Family. The Christ that occupied the mortal body of Krishna is the same Christ that occupied the mortal body of Jesus. As the Buddha recognized the Truth in Krishna’s teachings, so does this same Truth radiate in the teachings of Jesus. And as the prophet Muhammad (PBUH) taught the Law of the Prophets of God, and in his emphasizing the Gospel of Jesus, so did he too confirm the true Word of God. – p362.
More On This Subject of Kalkin or Messiah Is Below... Under the Heading: MESSIAH IS HERE... SO ARE... TWO WITNESSES
and on the web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE, under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN
Atrocities Of Christians and Muslims... Against Hindus and Other Believers
The atrocities of those groups, both Christians and Muslims, who professed to be acting in the name of the Lord, were committed out of ignorance. In the case of Christianity, a contaminated doctrine of Paul (undermining the Laws of God) was their basis of theology, while a fabricated symbol of a cross; misrepresenting Jesus was used as a logo. The manmade laws governing the conduct of the Islamic believers were also in error, as the adversary to the prophet Muhammad (Musaylimat) had a great influence on the thinking of the Islamic world.
The actions of neither group were in accordance with the teachings of either Prophet, whom they claimed to be following. Neither Jesus nor Muhammad was of a violent nature, and neither acknowledged such actions, as is reflected in their teachings. As Satan tries to annul the good works of God on every front, so has this been the case in the actions of these military Crusades or ‘holy wars’. The doctrines that both of these groups were acting on in the past were unholy, as they both had contaminated beliefs as their basis and the ambitions of man as their guide. – p363.
The Buddha said:
“Far better to revere the truth than try to appease the gods by shedding blood. What love can a man possess who believes that the destruction of life will atone for evil deeds? Can a new wrong expiate old wrongs? And can the slaughter of an innocent victim blot out the evil deeds of mankind? This is practicing religion by the neglect of moral conduct. Purify your hearts and cease to kill; that is true religion. Rituals have no efficacy; prayers are vain repetitions; and incantations have no saving power. But to abandon covetousness and lust, to become free from evil passions, and to give up all hatred and ill-will, that is the right sacrifice and the true worship.” – p361.
The characteristics expressed in Buddhist Thought resemble the expressions of love, compassion, and forgiveness as expressed by Krishna, Jesus, and Muhammad, as they truly do exemplify being ‘Enlightened’ (born again). – p361.
For All Of The... Deception, Strife, and False Practices... In All Religions
Our greatest obstacles from achieving the total blessings that God desires for each of us are the false doctrines that Satan is helping to spread (through his servants), and the constant bombardment of our minds, due to his ability to infiltrate our thinking, with the help of the many worldly attractions and attachments. We must follow Jesus’ teachings and abandon our pride, our arrogance, and all of the other misleading theology that we have heard most of our lives, which is much more widespread and even more distorted from the real Truth than ever before. Constant prayer to God in dedication, coupled with concern for, and charity to our fellow man (those who are in need), is the way to combat Satan. – p337.
For All Of The... Deception, Strife, and False Practices... In All Religions
Our greatest obstacles from achieving the total blessings that God desires for each of us are the false doctrines that Satan is helping to spread (through his servants), and the constant bombardment of our minds, due to his ability to infiltrate our thinking, with the help of the many worldly attractions and attachments. We must follow Jesus’ teachings and abandon our pride, our arrogance, and all of the other misleading theology that we have heard most of our lives, which is much more widespread and even more distorted from the real Truth than ever before. Constant prayer to God in dedication, coupled with concern for, and charity to our fellow man (those who are in need), is the way to combat Satan. – p337.
IN CHRIST'S REDEMPTION OF MAN... Different Avatars Are Sent
Avatars, or Incarnates of Christ, have been sent to the earth, in the past, to dwell among men—as it has been deemed necessary by God. Avatars are sent by God, to the earth, to again reveal God's Truth to men —when the Truth has been lost—as it is now.
The ultimate goal of Christ being sent to earth, is for the Saving Knowledge of Son of Man, to be brought back to men on earth.
This Redemptive Act signifies: the process of the Spirit of Christ entering into the body of a man—in order to convey the Message of God back to men. Because this is the only way that men will listen to God's Instructions—and not be afraid of the messenger.
According to Hindu legend, ten such avatars (messengers of Christ) are recognized, of which Rama (seventh avatar) and Krishna (eighth) are the most important. Nine descents of Christ are thought to have already occurred. Jesus is that ninth one, although he does not show up in Hindu legend—perhaps, because he was sent to the House of Israel. The tenth and last avatar that is yet to appear unto men upon this earth, according to the Hindus, is named Kalkin. – pp.34-35.
Jesus confirms the fact that incarnates of Christ have previously appeared here on earth—that he was one of them; and that, another incarnate is yet to come. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also confirms this occurrence, as he too, prophesied that a messenger, or Spirit of Christ would again appear in the world, before this current era of man ends. This Spirit is referred to as: Imam Mahdi, or as: The Mahdi, in Islamic legend. This Imam Mahdi, is said to be the twelfth Imam to appear, upon the earth.
Jesus said: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” – John 14:16.
Christ Occupied Jesus' Body... As he does with all revealed Avatars—Christ explains:
“I visited a bodily dwelling, I cast out the one who was in it first, and I went in. And the whole multitude of the archons became troubled. And all the mater of the archons as well as the begotten powers of the earth were shaken when it saw the likeness of the Image, since it was mixed. And I am the one who was in it, not resembling him who was in it first. For he was an earthly man, but I, I am from above the heavens. I did not refuse them even to become a Christ, but I did not reveal myself to them in the love which was coming forth from me. I revealed that I am a stranger to the regions below.” – p34. (this pertains to Christ in Krishna's body).
“… It was my going to the revealed height which the world did not accept, my third baptism in a revealed image… the Father named me Christ, that I might come down on earth and anoint with the oil of life everyone who came to me. And he called me Jesus, that I might heal every sin of the ignorant and give to men the truth of God.” – pp.87-90.
Christ Has Occupied Other Bodies... Krishna said:
“Fools disregard Me when I dwell in human form; they know not My Higher being as the Great Lord of all beings.” – GIT: IX/11.
“The foolish think of Me, the Unmanifest, as having come to manifestation, not knowing My higher, immutable and peerless nature.” “I am not manifest to all (in My Real Nature) veiled by Divine-‘MAYA’ (illusive understanding). This deluded world knows not Me, the Unborn, the Imperishable.” “I know, O Arjuna, the beings of the past, and the present and the future, but no one knows Me.” – GIT: VII/24-26. – p55.
Avatars, or Incarnates of Christ, have been sent to the earth, in the past, to dwell among men—as it has been deemed necessary by God. Avatars are sent by God, to the earth, to again reveal God's Truth to men —when the Truth has been lost—as it is now.
The ultimate goal of Christ being sent to earth, is for the Saving Knowledge of Son of Man, to be brought back to men on earth.
This Redemptive Act signifies: the process of the Spirit of Christ entering into the body of a man—in order to convey the Message of God back to men. Because this is the only way that men will listen to God's Instructions—and not be afraid of the messenger.
According to Hindu legend, ten such avatars (messengers of Christ) are recognized, of which Rama (seventh avatar) and Krishna (eighth) are the most important. Nine descents of Christ are thought to have already occurred. Jesus is that ninth one, although he does not show up in Hindu legend—perhaps, because he was sent to the House of Israel. The tenth and last avatar that is yet to appear unto men upon this earth, according to the Hindus, is named Kalkin. – pp.34-35.
Jesus confirms the fact that incarnates of Christ have previously appeared here on earth—that he was one of them; and that, another incarnate is yet to come. The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) also confirms this occurrence, as he too, prophesied that a messenger, or Spirit of Christ would again appear in the world, before this current era of man ends. This Spirit is referred to as: Imam Mahdi, or as: The Mahdi, in Islamic legend. This Imam Mahdi, is said to be the twelfth Imam to appear, upon the earth.
Jesus said: “And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever;” – John 14:16.
Christ Occupied Jesus' Body... As he does with all revealed Avatars—Christ explains:
“I visited a bodily dwelling, I cast out the one who was in it first, and I went in. And the whole multitude of the archons became troubled. And all the mater of the archons as well as the begotten powers of the earth were shaken when it saw the likeness of the Image, since it was mixed. And I am the one who was in it, not resembling him who was in it first. For he was an earthly man, but I, I am from above the heavens. I did not refuse them even to become a Christ, but I did not reveal myself to them in the love which was coming forth from me. I revealed that I am a stranger to the regions below.” – p34. (this pertains to Christ in Krishna's body).
“… It was my going to the revealed height which the world did not accept, my third baptism in a revealed image… the Father named me Christ, that I might come down on earth and anoint with the oil of life everyone who came to me. And he called me Jesus, that I might heal every sin of the ignorant and give to men the truth of God.” – pp.87-90.
Christ Has Occupied Other Bodies... Krishna said:
“Fools disregard Me when I dwell in human form; they know not My Higher being as the Great Lord of all beings.” – GIT: IX/11.
“The foolish think of Me, the Unmanifest, as having come to manifestation, not knowing My higher, immutable and peerless nature.” “I am not manifest to all (in My Real Nature) veiled by Divine-‘MAYA’ (illusive understanding). This deluded world knows not Me, the Unborn, the Imperishable.” “I know, O Arjuna, the beings of the past, and the present and the future, but no one knows Me.” – GIT: VII/24-26. – p55.
Jesus has already returned. His return is in the form of the 'BOOK OF JESUS', which is incorporated in the prophesied GUIDE BOOK, which contains the True Words of Jesus. The featured GUIDE BOOK that has been inspired by God, for these Last Days, also contains the Testimony given to this messenger of God; as well as, containing the Testimonies of God's previous messengers—and of the two prophesied witnesses. All of these testimonies, along with current SIGNS, in the Heavens and upon the earth, provide the evidence that Jesus is here! The Spirit of Jesus is the spirit of Son of Man —as prophesied, and as revealed by Jesus, in his own Words.
THE SON OF MAN... Shall Not Be Manifest
The return of Jesus (Messiah/Mahdi/Kalkin), or of the prophesied Son of Man, shall not be manifest as many people believe and speculate on. People will ignore the Signs of Son of Man, just as they did with Noah; and just as they always do with God's messengers—as Jesus will later reveal, concerning Elijah and himself. The Scriptures reveal:
Jesus said:
"For the coming of the Son of God will not be manifest, but like the lightning which shineth from the east to the west...". – p263.
"...The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." – Luke. 17:20,21.
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,” – Matt. 24:37,38.
"For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation". – Luke. 11:30.
‘All that I say for the knowledge of God and the service of God, for the knowledge of man and for the salvation of mankind—all this cometh forth from that book, which is my gospel.’” - p. 374.
under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN...
THE TWO PROMISED WITNESSES (Enoch and Elijah) ... Are Also Here
Jesus said:
"But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them." – Matt. 17:12.
"I shall return towards the end, and with me shall come Enoch and Elijah, and we will testify against the wicked, whose end shall be accursed."
“Hear from me the signs, which will be at the end of this world, when the end of the world will be fulfilled before my elect come forth from the world." – pp.261-264.
(1) Jesus possessed the spirit of Elijah, while he was on earth, and so did others possess that same spirit, during Jesus' time. The spirit of Elijah is possessing the Knowledge that GOD is One, and that He alone should be worshiped—with no partners. This is in contrast to those who worship other objects and persons with GOD—as with the Trinity believers and those who use symbols.
This spirit is present in righteous Jewish, and other peaceful believers, who reverence GOD alone, without adding other partners.
(2) When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dwelt upon the earth, he possessed The spirit of Enoch. He was dedicated to serving and to honoring One God, only—with the same Truth that Enoch and Elijah had. His true followers continued in that spirit of Enoch, along with other true believers in God. Later Jewish and Islamic believers, along with others, who continued to follow the True teachings of Jesus and of Muhammad, also possessed this spirit of Enoch. These True believers were and are still persecuted by those with false beliefs about GOD and about Jesus—just as Jesus and Muhammad were persecuted for their beliefs in One True GOD.
True Believers In GOD, Who Worship Him, Only—Without Including Partners, or Other Objects of Worship— Are Persecuted.
Jesus has already returned. His return is in the form of the 'BOOK OF JESUS', which is incorporated in the prophesied GUIDE BOOK, which contains the True Words of Jesus. The featured GUIDE BOOK that has been inspired by God, for these Last Days, also contains the Testimony given to this messenger of God; as well as, containing the Testimonies of God's previous messengers—and of the two prophesied witnesses. All of these testimonies, along with current SIGNS, in the Heavens and upon the earth, provide the evidence that Jesus is here! The Spirit of Jesus is the spirit of Son of Man —as prophesied, and as revealed by Jesus, in his own Words.
THE SON OF MAN... Shall Not Be Manifest
The return of Jesus (Messiah/Mahdi/Kalkin), or of the prophesied Son of Man, shall not be manifest as many people believe and speculate on. People will ignore the Signs of Son of Man, just as they did with Noah; and just as they always do with God's messengers—as Jesus will later reveal, concerning Elijah and himself. The Scriptures reveal:
Jesus said:
"For the coming of the Son of God will not be manifest, but like the lightning which shineth from the east to the west...". – p263.
"...The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." – Luke. 17:20,21.
“But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.” “For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,” – Matt. 24:37,38.
"For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation". – Luke. 11:30.
‘All that I say for the knowledge of God and the service of God, for the knowledge of man and for the salvation of mankind—all this cometh forth from that book, which is my gospel.’” - p. 374.
under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN...
THE TWO PROMISED WITNESSES (Enoch and Elijah) ... Are Also Here
Jesus said:
"But I say unto you, That Elias is come already, and they knew him not, but have done unto him whatsoever they listed. Likewise shall also the Son of man suffer of them." – Matt. 17:12.
"I shall return towards the end, and with me shall come Enoch and Elijah, and we will testify against the wicked, whose end shall be accursed."
“Hear from me the signs, which will be at the end of this world, when the end of the world will be fulfilled before my elect come forth from the world." – pp.261-264.
(1) Jesus possessed the spirit of Elijah, while he was on earth, and so did others possess that same spirit, during Jesus' time. The spirit of Elijah is possessing the Knowledge that GOD is One, and that He alone should be worshiped—with no partners. This is in contrast to those who worship other objects and persons with GOD—as with the Trinity believers and those who use symbols.
This spirit is present in righteous Jewish, and other peaceful believers, who reverence GOD alone, without adding other partners.
(2) When the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) dwelt upon the earth, he possessed The spirit of Enoch. He was dedicated to serving and to honoring One God, only—with the same Truth that Enoch and Elijah had. His true followers continued in that spirit of Enoch, along with other true believers in God. Later Jewish and Islamic believers, along with others, who continued to follow the True teachings of Jesus and of Muhammad, also possessed this spirit of Enoch. These True believers were and are still persecuted by those with false beliefs about GOD and about Jesus—just as Jesus and Muhammad were persecuted for their beliefs in One True GOD.
True Believers In GOD, Who Worship Him, Only—Without Including Partners, or Other Objects of Worship— Are Persecuted.
Scripture References... To The two Promised Witnesses (Enoch and Elijah)
Parallels in the two referenced witnesses of GOD, from above (Enoch and Elijah), are still present in the world, today.
More about Bible Prophesies, concerning modern-day witnesses for GOD, and how the religious practices of today relate to the two previously referenced witnesses of GOD (Jesus and Muhammad), are described, below:
From The Book Of Revelation:
(1) "And I will give power unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth." "These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth." "And if any man will hurt them, fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth their enemies: and if any man will hurt them, he must in this manner be killed." – Rev. 11:3-5.
(2) "And when they shall have finished their testimony, the Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them." – Rev. 11:7 "And they of the people and kindreds and tongues and nations shall see their dead bodies three days and an half, and shall not suffer their dead bodies to be put in graves." – Rev. 11:9. "And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another; because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth." – Rev. 11:10.
The references to the 'two olive trees' in the preceding scriptures represent The spirit of Elijah, which depicts the worshiping of GOD in the Spirit—through dedication to Knowledge. This represents the witnessing for GOD as portrayed through True Jewish and Buddhist Methods. These methods go against the worship practices of the Beast, as the Beast promotes self-gratification.
The references to the 'two candlesticks' in the preceding scriptures represent The spirit of Enoch, which depicts the worshiping of GOD through action—or through performance of work. This represents the witnessing for GOD as portrayed through True Islamic and Hindu Methods. These methods also go against the worship practices of the Beast, as the Beast promotes blind and empty faith.
The spirits of Elijah and of Enoch are still present today in true believers of God. In following the Knowledge that Jesus, Muhammad, and the other prophets of God, brought into the world, believers and non-believers, still have access to the witnessing spirits of Elijah and of Enoch—through the spirit of Son of Man. It must be pointed out though that Caution must be exercised in following the previously mentioned Religious Groups—since they all have facets in their practices that Do Not Follow these Truths about worshiping GOD that their respective prophets (Buddha, Krishna, Jesus and Muhammad) followed and taught.
MORE ABOUT GOD'S TRUE WORSHIP... Is Discussed Above, Under The Heading:
In addressing this messenger for these Last Days... the fact that the two promised witnesses that will accompany this messenger, play a great part in the unfolding of prophetic circumstances, cannot be denied. The prophesied messenger, along with the two promised witnesses, are tied-in with Jewish history and with world prophesies. GOD Has a Plan... and It Is Being played Out!
As a starting point... many of the prophesied Signs that are revealed in the Scriptures, have a direct bearing on the Life and on the circumstances of this messenger. For example: when Jesus was asked if there would be a Sign given unto men, to signify that the End Time would be near for them...
Jesus said:
"And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet." "For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation". – Luke. 11:29-30.
THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS... Was A similar Event — Portraying What Is Coming:
As a starting point... many of the prophesied Signs that are revealed in the Scriptures, have a direct bearing on the Life and on the circumstances of this messenger. For example: when Jesus was asked if there would be a Sign given unto men, to signify that the End Time would be near for them...
Jesus said:
"And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, This is an evil generation: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet." "For as Jonas was a sign unto the Ninevites, so shall also the Son of man be to this generation". – Luke. 11:29-30.
THE SIGN OF THE PROPHET JONAS... Was A similar Event — Portraying What Is Coming:
- During the time of Jonas, a Total Solar Eclipse passed solely over his land, just as the Aug. 21, 2017 solar eclipse did, over America, and directly over the house, of this messenger. Like this messenger, Jonas also, delivered a Message of Salvation from GOD. In Jonas' situation, the city (Nineveh) repented of their transgressions, and the population was spared disaster. In the case of this messenger— it is going to be up to the actions of American People, as to the Magnitude of Coming Disasters.
- This Aug. 21 Total Solar Eclipse event, along with the multiple Blood Moons that we have recently witnessed, also have great historical significance in Jewish history and world events—while, at the same time, these occurrences mark paralleled significant events in the life of this messenger. There is much repetition in Jewish and in worldly events, as they relate to Celestial activity.
- Even the Revelation 12 Star alignment, with the Woman, the Lion, and the Dragon symbols, that we witnessed in Sept. 2017 have a strong significance with the events of the Jewish people (the Lion), and with the events of GOD's prophetic activity, involving HIS messengers and America (the Woman). This Event also, is a significant indication to mankind that the Devil (Dragon) is accelerating his activities against GOD and man... as is indicated in the Revelation, Chapter 12 Scriptures—concerning the devil and his wrath against man. It must be noted that all of these prophetic events that happened in 2017 happened in a Jewish Jubilee year, which signifies—a Time for Getting Right With GOD.
- This messenger's birth ties in prophetically with the birth of the Jewish nation and with a four Blood Moon event (tetrad), where there were four Blood Moons in succession—as we saw in 2014 and the Shmita year of 2015. The conception date for this messenger, in the Jubilee year of 1948, coincides with the time that the Jewish Nation was restored, in 1948; while the birth date of this messenger, in 1949, coincides with the tetrad Blood Moons of 1949 thru 1950.
- It must also be noted at this time that the birth of this messenger ties in prophetically with the direction that Christianity took during that period. A false practice of divine or supernatural healing, started and began its worldwide influence by evangelist Oral Roberts in 1948. And a false practice of worshiping and of deifying Jesus was started by evangelist Billy Graham in 1949—while emphasizing the 'Cross', as the means of Salvation. This was the year that Mr. Graham began his worldwide campaign, out of Charlotte, NC. As GOD would have it... this messenger was born in that same city, during that same year. GOD always plans ahead and provides a remedy to combat falseness and deception of the Truth, when it begins.
- The Jewish Shmita years, as well as, the years of Jubilee, have parallel implications with the life of this messenger. The Jubilee year of 1967, when the Jewish Nation regained Israel, after a miraculous Six-Day War, was also a special year in this messenger's life. This messenger's graduation from high school was in 1967, as well as the beginning of his college years, which started his lifelong career. This year was also one of the years in which there was tetrad Blood Moon activity in 1967 thru 1968.
- There are other tie-ins with the Jewish Shmita years and years of Jubilee, and this messenger's life that will not be mentioned here; but some of it will be mentioned later—under the next heading... concerning GOD’s two Witnesses.
THE TWO WITNESSES OF GOD... ARE ALSO A PART... Of This Messenger's Life:
GOD has delivered on HIS promises of bringing HIS TRUTH back to the world—through the revealing of HIS BOOK, and through the witnessing of HIS prophesied messenger... along with the two prophesied witnesses. As GOD has always provided parallels in HIS activity and in HIS Revelations to man; so has HE provided parallel evidence in the life of this messenger, concerning the two witnesses.
The SIGNS that have already been pointed out, along with the ones that are about to be revealed—only give solid evidence to those who are seeking and to those who are listening... that GOD’s Revelations and HIS Prophesies are on Track.
THE TWO WITNESSES OF GOD... ARE ALSO A PART... Of This Messenger's Life:
GOD has delivered on HIS promises of bringing HIS TRUTH back to the world—through the revealing of HIS BOOK, and through the witnessing of HIS prophesied messenger... along with the two prophesied witnesses. As GOD has always provided parallels in HIS activity and in HIS Revelations to man; so has HE provided parallel evidence in the life of this messenger, concerning the two witnesses.
The SIGNS that have already been pointed out, along with the ones that are about to be revealed—only give solid evidence to those who are seeking and to those who are listening... that GOD’s Revelations and HIS Prophesies are on Track.
- Concerning the first witness— Calkin (Kalkin) was born into the family of this messenger in April of 2005. This is the same year that hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast of the U.S., on Aug. 29, and became the costliest hurricane on record (at that time) in the U.S. This hurricane was no coincidence; since that was the same year that the Gaza Strip in Israel was taken away from the Jewish people on Aug. 15, through bargaining with U.S. involvement. The life of Calkin has strong ties with the Spirit of Enoch, and with Islamic influence.
- Concerning the second witness— Elijah was born into the family of this messenger in May of the Jubilee year, 2017. This is the same year that hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas coast, in the U.S., on Aug. 25, and tied with Katrina, as being the costliest hurricane on record in the U.S. This hurricane, too, was no coincidence; since that was the same year that the Aug. 21, Total Solar Eclipse (Sign of Jonas), crossed over America. Again, the U.S. had been involved in trying to divide the land of Israel—and especially Jerusalem. That is an Abomination unto GOD and HIS promise to the Jewish people. The Sign of Jonas should definitely be acknowledged... as this Sign Means Destruction —and Only Repentance Can Save America!
- As if there were not enough Signs—the actual birth date for Elijah was May 14, 2017, which is the 69th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the State of Israel, which was May 14, 1948. How much of a coincidence is that! The life of Elijah has strong ties with the Spirits of Enoch and Elijah, and with Jewish implications—just like GOD’s previously mentioned two Witnesses.
- It must also be mentioned at this time that the Mother of the two witnesses, born into the Family of this messenger, also has Prophetic Implications. She is Scelina (Selena) and she was conceived during the Shmita year of 1980, and she finished Law School in the Jubilee year of 2017— the same year that Elijah was born. There was also a Sign given by GOD, on her birthday—the following year, on Jan. 31, 2018— that is only seen once in a lifetime, for individuals who are privileged to do so. On that date a Super Blue (full) Moon was present that was also a Blood Moon (lunar eclipse). How much of a coincidence is that!
As if that were not enough, her name is derived from the Moon Goddess (Selene); and her middle name— Evette, was taken from the name— Eve, who is the Mother of mankind. - The fact that the Prophesies and the PLAN of GOD are at work, cannot be denied. There are many more Revelations and Signs that have come and that are coming to past—right before our eyes—such as anniversary dates of the Protestant Reformation (500 yrs. ago), the origin of Freemasonry (300 yrs. ago), the 50th Anniversary of a Jewish Jerusalem, the 70th Anniversary of the Jewish State, the Final Revealing of GOD's TRUTH to a Lost and Corrupt World, and much more.
The Scriptures Reveal:
(1) "Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy." – Dan. 9:24.
This Scripture... points to the fact that the number seventy has a parallel significance to the 70th Anniversary of the regaining of the Jewish State, which occurred in this current year of 2018. This year is also significant, because this is the year that this messenger is revealing GOD's Judgment and GOD's Plan of Salvation, to this world. It is time to adhere to the instructions in this Scripture—to practice Righteousness—for all individuals that desire to be Saved... because the End of Prophetic Visions are at hand!
(2) "Know therefore and understand, That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times." – Dan. 9:25.
This Scripture... points to the fact that the number sixty-nine has a parallel significance to the Proclamation of the State of Israel which was May 14, 1948. As mentioned earlier, Elijah was born into the family of this messenger, on May 14, 2017, which is exactly sixty-nine years, or the 69th Anniversary, of that Proclamation. This scriptural reference points directly to the revealing of Messiah the Prince —which is being accomplished through the information revealed by this messenger, during this time-period. It must be noted that this messenger turned sixty-nine, in the year 2018, during the revealing of this information. How much of a coincidence is that!
Israel Ahmed... Was Born into the family of this messenger, on Sept. 4, 2018, to the same mother, Scelina (Selena), as the two mentioned witnesses. His birth date, in America, coincides with the Jewish 25th of Elul (Rosh Hashanah), which was Sept. 5, 2018, in Israel. This is the anniversary date on which the Jews mark "the beginning of Your works", which marks the 6th day of creation, in which the world was given the potential for the realization of its purpose—with the creation of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. Rosh Hashanah marks the day from which the Jewish calendar begins to count the years of history; thus, the 25th of Elul is termed as: - day 1 from creation.
Israel Ahmed's Birth... revealed a new Prophetic SIGN from GOD, and it ushered in... a new Sense of Urgency. The 25th of Elul also marks the Biblical anniversary date for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemia on Elul 25 of the year 3426 from creation (335 BCE). This wall building event by Nehemia parallels this modern-day Sign, from the above mentioned Scripture from Dan. 9:25, which addresses the streets and wall of Jerusalem being built again; along with the Messiah the Prince, being revealed—after sixty-nine years. The streets are definitely built again and the "Iron Dome" rocket defense system, of Israel, along with the protected borders, represent the new wall of Jerusalem.
Coinciding with the 70th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the the State of Israel, the birth of Israel Ahmed marks the event that gives us the SIGN that it is Time to "make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity," and to Get Right with God, as Dan. 9:24 reveals. Again... this messenger turned sixty-nine, in this year of 2018, during this sixty-ninth year revealing for Messiah the Prince, and for the wall reconstruction anniversary date. How much of a coincidence are all of these Parallel Signs from GOD!
As with the year of 2005 when Calkin (Kalkin) was born into the family of this messenger in April of 2005, and this being the same year that hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast of the U.S., only to became the costliest hurricane on record (at that time) in the U.S.; and with the year of 2017 when Elijah was born into the family of this messenger in May of the Jubilee year of 2017, and this being the same year that hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas coast, in the U.S., only to tie with Katrina, as being the costliest hurricane on record in the U.S.— ... the year of 2018, with the birth of Israel Ahmed (their brother), we could only expect record-breaking circumstances and costs that would parallel, or exceed, those that occurred in the years of 2005 and 2017 —which are the years of Israel's brothers' births.
We did see record-breaking circumstances in the U.S., in 2018, with Hurricanes: Florence and Michael. The damage and cost assessments for these storms have not yet been fully tabulated; but there have been several broken records, recorded, with these storms. As long-term costs are being realized, Only GOD knows the full damage and impact of these storms.
As added evidence... in addition to those two storms... In 2018, there were More Fires burning in California —after a Record-Breaking year in 2017. There were more broken records in 2018—in the category that some of the Fires were considered among the largest in the state's history. Only GOD knows what is coming next... from this year of 2019, and beyond, as turmoil is escalating.
Israel Ahmed... Was Born into the family of this messenger, on Sept. 4, 2018, to the same mother, Scelina (Selena), as the two mentioned witnesses. His birth date, in America, coincides with the Jewish 25th of Elul (Rosh Hashanah), which was Sept. 5, 2018, in Israel. This is the anniversary date on which the Jews mark "the beginning of Your works", which marks the 6th day of creation, in which the world was given the potential for the realization of its purpose—with the creation of the first man and woman, Adam and Eve. Rosh Hashanah marks the day from which the Jewish calendar begins to count the years of history; thus, the 25th of Elul is termed as: - day 1 from creation.
Israel Ahmed's Birth... revealed a new Prophetic SIGN from GOD, and it ushered in... a new Sense of Urgency. The 25th of Elul also marks the Biblical anniversary date for the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemia on Elul 25 of the year 3426 from creation (335 BCE). This wall building event by Nehemia parallels this modern-day Sign, from the above mentioned Scripture from Dan. 9:25, which addresses the streets and wall of Jerusalem being built again; along with the Messiah the Prince, being revealed—after sixty-nine years. The streets are definitely built again and the "Iron Dome" rocket defense system, of Israel, along with the protected borders, represent the new wall of Jerusalem.
Coinciding with the 70th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the the State of Israel, the birth of Israel Ahmed marks the event that gives us the SIGN that it is Time to "make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity," and to Get Right with God, as Dan. 9:24 reveals. Again... this messenger turned sixty-nine, in this year of 2018, during this sixty-ninth year revealing for Messiah the Prince, and for the wall reconstruction anniversary date. How much of a coincidence are all of these Parallel Signs from GOD!
As with the year of 2005 when Calkin (Kalkin) was born into the family of this messenger in April of 2005, and this being the same year that hurricane Katrina slammed into the Gulf Coast of the U.S., only to became the costliest hurricane on record (at that time) in the U.S.; and with the year of 2017 when Elijah was born into the family of this messenger in May of the Jubilee year of 2017, and this being the same year that hurricane Harvey slammed into the Texas coast, in the U.S., only to tie with Katrina, as being the costliest hurricane on record in the U.S.— ... the year of 2018, with the birth of Israel Ahmed (their brother), we could only expect record-breaking circumstances and costs that would parallel, or exceed, those that occurred in the years of 2005 and 2017 —which are the years of Israel's brothers' births.
We did see record-breaking circumstances in the U.S., in 2018, with Hurricanes: Florence and Michael. The damage and cost assessments for these storms have not yet been fully tabulated; but there have been several broken records, recorded, with these storms. As long-term costs are being realized, Only GOD knows the full damage and impact of these storms.
As added evidence... in addition to those two storms... In 2018, there were More Fires burning in California —after a Record-Breaking year in 2017. There were more broken records in 2018—in the category that some of the Fires were considered among the largest in the state's history. Only GOD knows what is coming next... from this year of 2019, and beyond, as turmoil is escalating.
GOD's Parallel Evidence..., with the Jewish Prophesies coming to past, with the revealing of the Messiah, with the lives of this messenger, and of the two Witnesses (Kalkin, and Elijah),... and now with the Birth of Israel (Ahmed), as a Sign,... GOD's TRUTH cannot be denied—as GOD always sends a messenger, and a WARNING,... prior to HIS Increase Of Destruction.
As with the years of the Births of Israel’s brothers (Calkin and Elijah)... the U.S. had been involved in dividing, and trying to divide, the land of Israel —and especially Jerusalem, --the same thing continued to happen in the year of Israel's Birth (2018). Even more of a Slam to God's Covenant with Israel is the fact that the U.S., through president Trump's actions, has claimed a part of Israel, by moving it's Embassy to Jerusalem— signifying gentile occupation in the land of Israel. This activity Coincides with the 70th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the the State of Israel. How Much of a Symbolism Is This Gentile Insult to GOD!
Even More Disturbing —is that while the previous American presidents: George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama were involved in suppressing and in contaminating God’s Covenant with the Jewish people (GOD's Inheritance), and with other True Believers in GOD,— they were also involved in other abominations, against GOD. The latter president (Mr. Obama), was instrumental in helping to bring about The Abomination that causes Desolation (same sex marriage). Together, these presidents' actions have Set the Stage for GOD’s End-Time Destruction Activities, —as specified by the prophet Daniel (Dan. 8:11, 9:27, 11:31 & 12:11).
The current American president: Donald J. Trump is not only involved in trying to divide the land of Israel,—and especially Jerusalem,—but his election to the presidency, signifies: The Blowing of The Seventh Trumpet (Trump), as signified in the Bible Book of Revelation. The Blowing of the Seventh Trumpet signifies the timing of the revealing of GOD’s TRUTH (His BOOK), as well as, signifying, the revealing of GOD’s witnesses —as is now being accomplished.
Even More Proof Is Given by GOD..., as to Mr. Trump's Election Event, —signifying the blowing of the seventh trumpet, by the fact that, —there were 7 (seven) Trump Family Members present and on the Podium, during the Inauguration. Also, Mr. Trump was: 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old, when he served his first full day in office. There are many more associations made later, with this Number 7, and with the BEAST of Revelation.
Another very Important Parallel... to Mr. Trump's Actions and the Jewish Scriptures, are his actions and efforts toward building a Protective Wall for America, —as has been done in Israel. These are all counterfeit actions, of the BEAST... as he emulates God's People. This is all occurring during the time that this messenger is sixty-nine years of age.
The reference Scripture reveals:
"...That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times." – Dan. 9:25.
How much of a Coincidence are all of these Parallel Signs and Circumstances from GOD!
They are only Precursors to HIS Final Judgment Activities.
Other Applicable BIBLE References:
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” – Rev. 10:7.
“And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.” – Rev. 10:10.
“And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”– Rev. 10:11.
“And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.” – Rev. 16:17.
More About GOD'S JUDGMENT... and About the Devil's... Number 7, is on web-page: JUDGMENT & BEAST.
Under the Heading: SEVEN (7)... Is The Number of the BEAST.
With the birthday of Israel Ahmed marking the 6th day of creation, as mentioned above, in which the world was given the potential for the realization of its purpose—then the 7th day is at hand. This starts another era in the Judgment of God—since 7 is the number of the Devil, and the number for Chaos. It seems that the time for that ‘Day of the Lord’ is closing in on us sooner than we think, as all SIGNS are pointing that way. The circumstances that are now happening upon the earth, are only supporting the Scriptural accounts and predictions, for chaos and disaster. – pp.415-416.
GOD's Truth... is always made available and shown, to those who are truly seeking.
GOD's Parallel Evidence..., with the Jewish Prophesies coming to past, with the revealing of the Messiah, with the lives of this messenger, and of the two Witnesses (Kalkin, and Elijah),... and now with the Birth of Israel (Ahmed), as a Sign,... GOD's TRUTH cannot be denied—as GOD always sends a messenger, and a WARNING,... prior to HIS Increase Of Destruction.
As with the years of the Births of Israel’s brothers (Calkin and Elijah)... the U.S. had been involved in dividing, and trying to divide, the land of Israel —and especially Jerusalem, --the same thing continued to happen in the year of Israel's Birth (2018). Even more of a Slam to God's Covenant with Israel is the fact that the U.S., through president Trump's actions, has claimed a part of Israel, by moving it's Embassy to Jerusalem— signifying gentile occupation in the land of Israel. This activity Coincides with the 70th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the the State of Israel. How Much of a Symbolism Is This Gentile Insult to GOD!
Even More Disturbing —is that while the previous American presidents: George H.W. Bush and Barack Obama were involved in suppressing and in contaminating God’s Covenant with the Jewish people (GOD's Inheritance), and with other True Believers in GOD,— they were also involved in other abominations, against GOD. The latter president (Mr. Obama), was instrumental in helping to bring about The Abomination that causes Desolation (same sex marriage). Together, these presidents' actions have Set the Stage for GOD’s End-Time Destruction Activities, —as specified by the prophet Daniel (Dan. 8:11, 9:27, 11:31 & 12:11).
The current American president: Donald J. Trump is not only involved in trying to divide the land of Israel,—and especially Jerusalem,—but his election to the presidency, signifies: The Blowing of The Seventh Trumpet (Trump), as signified in the Bible Book of Revelation. The Blowing of the Seventh Trumpet signifies the timing of the revealing of GOD’s TRUTH (His BOOK), as well as, signifying, the revealing of GOD’s witnesses —as is now being accomplished.
Even More Proof Is Given by GOD..., as to Mr. Trump's Election Event, —signifying the blowing of the seventh trumpet, by the fact that, —there were 7 (seven) Trump Family Members present and on the Podium, during the Inauguration. Also, Mr. Trump was: 70 years, 7 months, and 7 days old, when he served his first full day in office. There are many more associations made later, with this Number 7, and with the BEAST of Revelation.
Another very Important Parallel... to Mr. Trump's Actions and the Jewish Scriptures, are his actions and efforts toward building a Protective Wall for America, —as has been done in Israel. These are all counterfeit actions, of the BEAST... as he emulates God's People. This is all occurring during the time that this messenger is sixty-nine years of age.
The reference Scripture reveals:
"...That from the going forth of the command To restore and build Jerusalem Until Messiah the Prince, There shall be seven weeks and sixty-two weeks; The street shall be built again, and the wall, Even in troublesome times." – Dan. 9:25.
How much of a Coincidence are all of these Parallel Signs and Circumstances from GOD!
They are only Precursors to HIS Final Judgment Activities.
Other Applicable BIBLE References:
“But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.” – Rev. 10:7.
“And I took the little book out of the angel's hand, and ate it up; and it was in my mouth sweet as honey: and as soon as I had eaten it, my belly was bitter.” – Rev. 10:10.
“And he said unto me, Thou must prophesy again before many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings.”– Rev. 10:11.
“And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.” – Rev. 16:17.
More About GOD'S JUDGMENT... and About the Devil's... Number 7, is on web-page: JUDGMENT & BEAST.
Under the Heading: SEVEN (7)... Is The Number of the BEAST.
With the birthday of Israel Ahmed marking the 6th day of creation, as mentioned above, in which the world was given the potential for the realization of its purpose—then the 7th day is at hand. This starts another era in the Judgment of God—since 7 is the number of the Devil, and the number for Chaos. It seems that the time for that ‘Day of the Lord’ is closing in on us sooner than we think, as all SIGNS are pointing that way. The circumstances that are now happening upon the earth, are only supporting the Scriptural accounts and predictions, for chaos and disaster. – pp.415-416.
GOD's Truth... is always made available and shown, to those who are truly seeking.
An additional SIGNAL from GOD, showing this messenger and others who will Listen to GOD, how much the End-Time Prophecies are on track—are the Paths that the aforementioned Hurricanes: Florence and Michael took, as they crossed over America. The projected paths of each of these two storms were directly over the home of the mentioned witnesses (and their parents); and the actual paths that they ended up taking, were directly over the birth city (Charlotte, NC) for this messenger. The projected severity of each of these storms, to the areas of these witnesses, was lessened, as a result of the actual paths of these two hurricanes. One news report analysis stated that one of these hurricanes (Florence) acted in a bizarre way, as it abruptly slowed down and changed directions—from continuing in a straight line, inland. But we know that these missed forecasts were a result of the Hand of GOD.
It is also astonishing that the Paths of these two discussed hurricanes formed a Cross directly over the city of Charlotte, which is the hometown of this messenger; as well as being the hometown of evangelist Billy Graham (a false prophet... discussed earlier on this web-page, under the heading: THE MESSENGER... FOR THESE LAST DAYS).
Reflecting on this phenomenon, concerning the Cross, it must be pointed out that the aforementioned Total Solar Eclipse that passed solely across America, and directly over the house, of this messenger, on Aug. 21, 2017 (see the above discussion, on the prophet Jonas), will also form a Cross with the coming Total Solar Eclipse in 2024. This will be in the 7th (seventh) year after the 2017 eclipse—with the Time Duration, Being Exactly 6.66 years, after the Aug. 21, 2017 Total Solar Eclipse—which is the Number for Man. It Is Associated With man's... Final Tribulation and Judgment Period.
More about the Atrocities of the CROSS, and the Meaning behind this Judgment Symbol of the CROSS —from GOD...
Is Mentioned above, under the topic: THE CROSS OF JESUS... IS... SATAN'S BIG LIE
For more about this prophesied: Final-Days of Tribulation period—that is associated with GOD's Final Judgment on America, and on mankind—see web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
Follow The God of Israel... which is the God of Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac and Jacob; as well as, for all of the chosen prophets. The Ten Commandments are our direct basis to Righteousness and to following this God. This means that when we follow these precepts, we are pleasing God. In pleasing GOD —In These Last Days —We are told to Believe His messenger... This Is The Way to Salvation.
The Messiah Revealed:
“Say ye: ‘We believe in God, and the revelation given to us, and to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Tribes, and that given to Moses and Jesus, and that given to (all) prophets from the Lord: We make no difference between one and another of them: and we bow to God (in Islam).’” – QUR: II.136.
“(Our religion is) the Baptism of God: and who can baptize better than God? And it is He whom we worship.” – QUR: II.138. – p351.
Concerning The Messenger... The Scripture Reads:
“How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!” – Isa. 52:7. – p.341.
Jesus said:
“Everything that conformeth to the book of Moses, that receive ye for true; seeing that God is one, the truth is one; whence it followeth that the doctrine is one and the meaning of the doctrine is one; and therefore the faith is one. Verily I say unto you that if the truth had not been erased from the book of Moses, God would not have given to David our father the second. And if the book of David had not been contaminated, God would not have committed the Gospel to me; seeing that the Lord our God is unchangeable, and hath spoken but one message to all men. Wherefore, when the messenger of God shall come, he shall come to cleanse away all wherewith the ungodly have contaminated my book.” – p.338.
(Jesus States More Evidence: of the Signs with the Moon, the Moon Goddess (Selene), and this messenger—Scelina’s Father)
"And it rejoiceth me because that through him our God shall be known and glorified, and I shall be known to be true; and he will execute vengeance against those who shall say that I am more than man. Verily I say to you that the moon shall minister sleep to him in his boyhood, and when he shall be grown up he shall take her in his hands. Let the world beware of casting him out. – p.134.
“Know therefore that in the faith of the Messiah shall be saved every one that is elect of God; therefore it is necessary that thou know the coming of the Messiah.”
...I am indeed sent to the house of Israel as a prophet of salvation; but after me shall come the messiah, sent of God to all the world; for whom God hath made the world. And then through all the world will God be worshipped, and mercy received, insomuch that the year of jubilee, which now cometh every hundred years, shall by the Messiah be reduced to every year in every place.”
“…My consolation is in the coming of the messenger, who shall destroy every false opinion of me, and his faith shall spread and shall take hold of the whole world, for so hath God promised to Abraham our father. And that which giveth me consolation is that his faith shall have no end, but shall be kept inviolate by God.” – p.247.
“Faith is a seal whereby God sealeth his elect: which seal he gave to his messenger, at whose hands every one that is elect hath received faith. For even as God is one, so is the faith one. Wherefore God, having created before all things his messenger, gave to him before aught else the faith which is as it were a likeness of God and of all that God hath done and said. And so the faithful by faith seeth all things, better than one seeth with his eyes; because the eyes can err; nay they do almost always err; but faith erreth never, for it hath for foundation God and his word. Believe me that by faith are saved all the elect of God. And it is certain that without faith it is impossible for any one to please God.” – p.428.
“Spread though my gospel throughout the whole world in peace! For there will be rejoicing at the source of my word, the hope for life, and suddenly the world will be carried off.” – p.429.
This Messenger... Is Related To Abraham... As The Messiah Said:
"Without doubt, among men, the nearest of kin to Abraham, are those who follow him, as are also this Apostle and those who believe: As God is the Protector of those who have faith.” – QUR: III.68.
“Jesus said: ‘Verily I say unto you, that every prophet when he is come hath borne to one nation only the mark of the mercy of God. And so their words were not extended save to that people to which they were sent. But the messenger of God, when he shall come, God shall give to him as it were the seal of his hand, insomuch that he shall carry salvation and mercy to all the nations of the world that shall receive his doctrine. He shall come with power upon the ungodly, and shall destroy idolatry, insomuch that he shall make Satan confounded; for so promised God to Abraham, saying: “Behold, in thy seed I will bless all the tribes of the earth; and as thou hast broken in pieces the idols, O Abraham, even so shall thy seed do.”’ – p.246.
In recapping and in verifying the Evidence, Proving that the Truth of GOD is here, and that the prophesied Messiah is here... the following statements apply:
The Jews expect the return of a Messiah, or messenger, in these Last Days—one that is similar to Elijah. The Christians expect Jesus to return, and the Hindus expect the return of an avatar of Christ—called: Kalkin (Calkin). The Muslims expect the return of one similar to, or one like Jesus —whom some of them refer to as: the Mahdi or Mehdi; while others say that he will be named: Ahmad (or Ahmed)—after the name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
In identifying God’s representation for each of the prophesied messengers, or expected witnesses, or avatar—there is no room for anyone to say that GOD has not fulfilled HIS Promises from the Scriptures of each religious group, as they pertain to an End-Time messenger. The information presented on this web-page, along with all of the supporting Knowledge presented in this website—show to the world that— Jesus-- The Messiah Is Here!
Backed up by all of the Evidence that has been shown to men, in the SIGNS that have been witnessed in the Heavens and on the Earth, in these recent Times; and based on the witnessing presented to this World, by God’s messengers, throughout this website and in the presented GUIDE BOOK, which reveals GOD's True Words... From Jesus and the prophets—The Way to GOD’s SALVATION is Now Known, to those who are truly seeking.
The true Seal of GOD, is the Word of GOD—that is Fixed in the Minds (foreheads), in the Hands, and in the Hearts of individuals, who have dedicated their Lives and their Actions—to Loving and to Pleasing GOD. This is how we will be Saved, during, and before, the coming Rapture, which is At Hand (Deut. 6:6-8). Do Not Ignore The SIGNS and The Tribulations that Are All around Us.
The JUDGMENT of GOD is only Being Held Back by God's angel—for the purpose of allowing those who Truly Desire to Please GOD, and to be Saved in the End—to Have that Opportunity... which Is Now available through this Revealing of GOD's WORD (Rev. 7:2-3).
Remember What Jesus said:
“Spread though my gospel throughout the whole world in peace! For there will be rejoicing at the source of my word, the hope for life, and suddenly the world will be carried off.” – p.429.
Remember,... GOD'S Message concerning the number 70(seventy) is inline with the fact that this messenger turned seventy, in the year of 2019 — therefore the following Scripture must be reiterated:
"Seventy weeks are determined For your people and for your holy city, To finish the transgression, To make an end of sins, To make reconciliation for iniquity, To bring in everlasting righteousness, To seal up vision and prophecy, And to anoint the Most Holy." – Dan. 9:24.
Whereas, Many People Do Not Understand The Signs of GOD, These Signs, all have meaning. Even in the year of 2019, where we witnessed a Super Blood Moon in January that was also a Wolf Moon, which is the only Blood Moon that the Earth witnessed that year — GOD is still trying to Warn Us that ‘It Is Time to Get Our Souls Right’ —because from 2019 And Beyond There Will Be Much Turmoil and Suffering for Mankind. HE also showed to us, in February, the largest Super Moon that would be witnessed in 2019, while at the same time a Comet streaked across the sky—blocking a portion of the constellations. What GOD Is About to Do Upon This Earth, Is Going to Be Unimaginable to Most People—and Our Only Hope Is Going to Be Our Faith In GOD, and In HIS WORD —Not In Religion, Money, Status, or In Material Things.
Only a Fool... Would Deny... This Moving of GOD... in these Last-Days—once he Is Exposed to GOD's TRUTH & Evidence!
More Is Explained... by the Messenger... about Man's Redemption, on web page: CHAOS & RAPTURE.
under the Heading: JESUS/MESSIAH... IS REVEALED... TO GUIDE MEN...
and at the end of the web page, under the Heading: FROM GOD'S MESSENGER
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